And when Luka left that office, the Bargain Mark on his shoulder was gone, but there was a new one just below where it had been on his bicep. A triangle with three horizontal lines through it now stood out against his tanned skin. One line for each of the Lord’s demands.
Yet as he was led to the room he’d be staying in for the foreseeable future, he knew those negotiations with Rordan had been nothing compared to the storm he was going to face when Tessa found out about the deal that had just been made.
He knew before he opened the door who was on the other side, even without the bond and his dragon acting up at how near she was. He hadn’t been sure if she would keep her distance and try to ignore him in the coming days, or if she would show up here. Apparently her impulsiveness had won out. Again.
Shirtless and wearing only loose, black knit pants, he made his way to the door. It was late, and well past midnight. He’d been trying to figure out when and how he was going to meet up with Theon to get this ring for Rordan, wanting to complete his side of the bargain as quickly as possible. He hated being indebted to another. It took too much of his control and created unnecessary vulnerabilities.
He’d scarcely touched the doorknob when a tiny thing of fury stormed into his room. She was wearing a gold sleeveless nightgown with a white silk robe open over the top of it. Her hair was a mess, the strands tangling down her back and around her shoulders, and her feet were bare as always.
“What is wrong with you?” she cried, already pacing in the space, moving back and forth between the end of the bed and the small sitting area.
Luka quietly closed the door before making his way over to the small desk and leaning back against it, crossing his arms.
“I tell you I don’t want to speak with you, so you go to Rordan?” she continued to rant, her words coming faster with each breath. “What right doyouhave to go to a Lord and request to stay here?Howcan you stay here? You’re supposed to be protecting Theon, not here in this space where I can hear you and smell you and see you all the fucking time.”
His brow arched at that as her hands went through her hair, her feet still following the same path back and forth.
“And you told him we had an agreement that you would train me?” she went on. “We both know that agreement ended the moment I was granted freedom from Theon. No. The moment Itookmy freedom from Theon. I did that.”
The words were turning to muttering now, and he watched, somewhat fascinated, as she seemed to descend from frustration and anger into some kind of confused madness. She almost appeared to be arguing with herself as she continued her rant.
“He thinks if he stays here I will stop. I can’t stop,” she muttered. “I can’t stop because this is my purpose. I have to correct the balance, and I can’t do that when he’s here. He can’t be here.” The bands of power on her wrists glowed, snaking up her forearms. “He’s not part of the balance though. Yes, he is. No! No, he’s not. Rordan would make him leave if I asked. Would he? No, no. There’s a bargain between them now.”
Her eyes flashed to him, and his entire body tensed when he found them glowing bright violet. Golden light ringed her irises, bolts of energy flashing through them like lightning. What the fuck had happened to her in the two weeks she’d been away from them? He’d been playing the game when speaking with Lord Jove, but this only confirmed what he’d said. She wasn’t in control, and if she didn’t figure this out, her power would ruin more than just Arius Kingdom.
She tugged at her hair, fingers getting caught in the strands. “Are you going to say anything?”
She paused. “What do you mean, no?”
He shrugged, keeping a close eye on that power that was swallowing her whole. “You seem like you have a lot to say, and?—”
“Because you went to Rordan about staying here!”
“Andit’s rude to interrupt people when they are speaking,” he continued, feeling the smirk trying to form as she went still, finally ceasing her pacing.
“Since when have you cared about being rude?” she demanded.
“I don’t,” he answered. “I was just waiting for you to get that all out of your system. Are you done?”
Her mouth popped open for a brief moment before her eyes sparked with fury once more. The uncertainty and confusionthat had been present moments before was replaced with a cold wrath as she seethed, “What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I was thinking I needed to stay here until you agree to talk to Valter and find out where Axel is,” he answered. “Besides, wedohave a bargain.”
“That you tricked me into. Either way, I already told you I cannot help you.”
“I tricked you into nothing, and you told me youwillnot help me.”
“Semantics,” she scoffed.
“There is a difference,” he said. “Cannotis a matter of inability.Will notis a choice you have made.”
“You can’t stay here, Luka,” she cried again, fingers going back to her hair.
“It seems your Lord says I can.”
Light flared as she snapped, “He’s not my Lord.”