All the tension eased from Luka’s shoulders as he matched the Lord’s casualness, strolling to one of the armchairs and taking a seat across from him. He’d learned long ago how to deal with the various personalities of the realm. It was why he appeared confident in every action, never allowing another to think they were above him. It made them nervous when he appeared aloof and unconcerned, even when he felt anything but. Every look, every mannerism, every word spoken was strategized and a chance to gain information or reveal too much.
“Theon is attending to other matters,” Luka answered.
Rordan arched a brow as he steepled a finger along his temple. “More important than the female he has fought so desperately to keep these last months? I find that unlikely.”
“He is a Lord now, is he not?” Luka countered. “That places more demands on his time, and while he would prefer to be the one sitting across from you, surely you know that is not always possible of a Lord.”
“He has not been declared a Lord just yet,” Rordan replied. “But I suppose with his father…indisposed, he does find himself more burdened these days.”
“And now that you are here, I imagine you wish to speak with Valter?” he continued.
Appreciating the male for dropping the pretenses, Luka said, “I don’t want to see Valter. He’s not going to talk to me or tell me anything of value.”
“Then what is it you want?”
“To stay for a while,” Luka answered.
Rordan chuckled in amusement. “Surely you are joking.” When Luka only gave him a frank look, he added, “I would ask why you think I would agree to such a thing, but I cannot trust you. Therefore, I believe this conversation is over.”
“That’s fine. I’m sure a conversation with the Ladies about Valter would be more in my favor anyway,” Luka answered with a shrug, but he made no move to leave.
He hadn’t come this far just to be sent away. Where was he going to go anyway? Back to his cave? While that may be what he wanted to do, he had a task to complete, and he’d never failed an assignment. He wasn’t about to start now. He needed Tessa’s help with Axel. Nevermind the fact that now that he’d seen her, spoken to her, touched her, the dragon beneath his skin was agitated and wanting more. He’d almost kissed her in that training room, for fuck’s sake.
Rordan was scrutinizing him, and Luka didn’t move a muscle. There would be no uncomfortable shifting or diverting his eyes.
Finally, the Lord said, “Your point has been made, but there is still the issue of me being able to trust anything you say.”
“Likewise,” Luka replied.
“Then you are amenable to a truth agreement in the form of a bargain?”
“For the next hour.”
“That seems acceptable. For the next hour, neither of us can lie to one another. Do we have an accord?”
“It’s a bargain,” Luka answered, once again feeling the unmistakable sensation of a bargain mark on his skin. This time it was on his shoulder.
“Now that that’s settled,” Rordan said, sitting forward and placing his palms on his desk. “Let me make one thing clear: should you endeavor to blackmail me again, this conversationwillcease and you will be in a cell. Is that understood?”
Luka nodded, knowing the Lord would see it for the slight it was. Verbal responses were always expected to the rulers.
“Aside from the fact that it would be foolish to let an Arius bound guardian stay in my kingdom, it is clear Tessa also does not want you here,” Rordan said.
“Is that so?”
“That’s what was reported to me about earlier interactions today.”
“I don’t know what was reported, but Tessa never once told me to leave when I arrived. She knows I need to be here. We made an agreement that I would train her,” Luka replied.
“You are telling me a bargain was made to that effect?”
Luka didn’t answer. It would have been a lie. Tessahadasked him to train her, and he’d agreed, but a bargain had never beenmade. So he couldn’t audibly answer with this truth agreement in place, but he nodded once more.
“And if I summon Tessa here, she would tell me the same thing?”
“Go ahead,” Luka said, settling back in his chair, his legs falling wide. “Can I have a drink while we wait?”