She had backed up while he’d advanced, and she didn’t stop until her back pressed to the wall. With nowhere else to escape, Luka’s hands landed on either side of her, caging her in.
“Your war is with Theon. Your fight is with me. Axel is not part of this, and if you don’t believe that, know that he is missing as punishment for saving Katya from the hands of males who would have taken everything from her,” Luka said, black flames sparking in his sapphire eyes.
Again she said nothing, staring back at him with her lips sealed. He searched her eyes, and she locked down every emotion, focusing on keeping the bond blocked.
With a derisive huff of laughter, his arms dropped to his sides, and he stepped back from her. “Thisis what will make you a monster, Tessa.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
Another breath of disbelief came from him as he said, “You claim to hate the dark, yet the light is leaving you blind.”
Then he left her standing in the training room, the doors clicking shut, echoing his retreating footsteps.
And she forced herself not to care.
He stalked through the foyer of the training building, pushing open the doors that led outside harder than he intended. They slammed forcibly, bouncing back quickly as he made his way through them.
Only to come face-to-face with sentries in white and gold uniforms, the Achaz symbol embroidered across the chest.
The deal was that he’d stay with Tessa, and here he was, alone in a foreign kingdom.
“She’ll be here in a minute,” Luka said, lifting his hands in a placating gesture.
“The Achaz Lord has returned and is waiting for you,” one of the sentinels said. “We are here to escort you to him.”
He’d come here thinking if he could just tell Tessa about Axel, she would be as worried as the rest of them and immediately offer her assistance. Instead, she’d stared at him. Not a hint of worry or care crossed her icy features. Just a stone-cold indifference. And the thing was, he couldn’t decide if it was real or not. She had made sure her emotions were locked downtight, and he could feel nothing down the bond. But all of them could feign indifference. He and Theon were professionals at it, and she was far more clever than anyone gave her credit for. She had watched them so carefully these last months, doing exactly what Theon had told her to do.
Learn everything you can.
“Come with us,” the other sentinel said, making room between them for him to walk.
He couldn’t blame them. He was bound to the Arius Heir. They were right to be suspicious.
“Should I get Tessa?” Luka asked.
“That isn’t necessary,” the first sentinel answered. “The Lord requested it be only you.”
He nodded, stepping into the space between them and matching their pace as they made their way back to the sprawling Achaz palace. He could admit it was a little nerve-wracking to be summoned by a foreign Lordwithoutthe reason he was here with him. Why wouldn’t he want Tessa there if he was as open with her as she claimed he was? He wasn’t stupid. He knew the Lord was keeping things from her just as Theon had. Only Lord Jove had somehow convinced her he wasn’t. That he was trustworthy, and this was the place she needed to be. What if he wasn’t the only one waiting for him? Was Dagian going to be there? Some of the ruling Ladies?
What if Valter was there?
It took a lot to rile him, but Luka couldn’t deny that his heart was beating a little too fast as he was led up a flight of stairs and to the end of a long hallway. Another sentinel stood guard outside the study, and he nodded to the other two before knocking twice on the door and pushing it open. There was nowaiting for an entrance command. Valter would have had Eviana strangle someone within an inch of their life for that.
Luka entered, pushing the door open wider. He was immediately relieved to find only Lord Jove sitting behind an expansive cherry oak desk with his Source nearby. Two cream-colored armchairs were set before it. The rest of the space was minimalistic, which surprised him. Valter’s dark office was filled to the brim with anything and everything that exuded wealth and status. Rordan’s office was almost warm and inviting with its soft white walls, cream rugs, and a large glass fireplace with a roaring fire. Simple cream furniture was placed around the fireplace, and a tasteful alcohol cart sat off to one side. Artwork of various places around Achaz Kingdom lined the walls in gold frames. Behind his desk was a floor-to-ceiling bookcase full of books with no trinkets or clutter to be found, and sunlight poured in from the windows along the opposite wall.
He bowed at the waist to the Lord, straightening when he heard the door click shut behind him. Rordan settled back in his chair, bright blue eyes ringed with gold watching him as he said, “Here I assumed it would be Theon who showed up at my home demanding her back. This is an interesting turn of events.”