“Because I know you want them. Need them. And I will always give you what you need,” he answered, easily holding her up with one hand while the other reached up to smooth a strand of hair out of her face.
It didn’t matter. She lurched forward again, her mouth taking his this time. He groaned into her while her hands slid along his arms, his chest, his torso. Anywhere she could touch. Her fingers brushed over the cool metal of his belt buckle, and she started trying to unfasten it. It was seconds before she let out a frustrated growl and tiny sparks of energy went flying.
“Easy, beautiful,” he murmured. “Let’s not have that power flaring so close to sensitive areas.”
She couldn’t help her huff of laughter, but when he lowered her to her feet, that huff turned into a discontented whine that she should have been embarrassed about.
Theon made quick work of his belt, unbuttoning his pants and lowering his zipper before bunching up the skirt of her dress again. Within seconds, he had her hoisted up once more, and she nearly sighed when he rocked against her bare center.
She wished she was touching bare flesh as her hand slid down his chest again before it slipped into his undergarments and wrapped around his length. She pulled out his cock, lightly scraping her nails along it and relishing his muttered curse. Her lineage made her one of the most powerful beings in Devram, but this? Having the source of so much…everythingat her mercy? Having control over him with the mere touch of her hand? The barest brush of her lips?Thatmade her feel more powerful than anything. Taking power back from someone who had taken so much from her. A part of her recognized that was twisted and wrong, and it made her just as terrible as him. A bigger part of her didn’t care. Because she had become hisvillain, and he still kept coming back for her. Again and again and again.
Just like he’d promised.
“Please, Theon,” she whispered, knowing exactly what the begging was going to get her.
He groaned again, sliding the head of his cock through her wetness before thrusting inside her with one smooth movement. Her head tipped back, and it was only then that she realized his magic was cushioning her back against the wall.
Not just his magic.
His shadow wings had formed and were wrapped around them. Feathers of swirling darkness kept the stone wall from digging into her back as she clung to his shoulders. Last time she’d taken her pleasure from him; this time, she would let him give it to her.
And he did.
Each thrust had her climbing higher. The thought of him losing control with her, for her and only her, had her dropping her brow to his shoulder to muffle her cries. She let him have this, have her. She knew he wondered when she would let him have her like this again, but the truth was,shedidn’t know if they’d ever have this again. Because he had Felicity, and she was supposed to have Liam.
“Stay with me, Tessa,” he rasped into her ear, each word a guttural grunt.
He sank into her again, adjusting his hold on her to hit a spot just right that had her sucking in a breath.
“That’s it,” he urged. “You know I’ll always give you what you need. At least in this one thing, you trust me.”
She knew he hadn’t meant to say those thoughts aloud, but he was right. She knew when she needed to get lost to pleasure and not think about anything, she could go to him. She’d knownhe would follow her out here. Known he would find her. Because he would always find her.
And when his darkness reached out and caressed her, scraping along her throat, her breasts, her thighs, she let her magic out too. Felt the light latch onto the dark. Felt all of it shudder around her. Or maybe that was his body. Her head tipped back once more, and he was there, his mouth capturing hers and swallowing her cry as she came. He followed her into pleasure. If there had been any doubt about where they’d slipped off to, there wouldn’t be now. Their scents were intertwined. Their magic.
Every part of them.
He dropped his head to the crook of her neck, still holding her up as he worked to steady his breathing. After a minute or two, he slowly lowered her to the ground, setting her onto shaky legs.
“Are you all right?” he asked, peering at her with concern.
Tessa nodded, her hands slipping from him. She pulled them behind her back, leaning against them as he tucked himself away before moving to retrieve her shoes. He dropped to a knee before her, gently taking her foot and placing it into a shoe, buckling the strap around her ankle.
You two need to finish up. Felicity keeps glancing towards the hall, and Rordan is not happy right now,came Luka’s warning.
“Still not mine,” Tessa whispered, running her fingers through Theon’s hair as he reached for her other shoe.
He stilled, looking up at her. “I am yours, Tessa. Every piece of me.”
Her smile was grim. “No, Theon. You are hers.”
“I will never be hers,” he retorted, and she watched his entire body tense while he finished buckling her other shoe before pushing back to his full height.
“Even the villains and the monsters fall to fate,” she said.
He took her face in his hands. “If there is anything I have learned about my Arius bloodline these last months, it is that we do not much care for fate, little storm.” He bent, brushing his lips across hers before he added, “And you are just as much death as you are life. Denying it is only harming you, beautiful.” One more light kiss to her temple. “I’ll go back first. Come back when you’re ready.”