“Then destroy me, little storm.”
Then destroy me, little storm.
She stared at him as his words echoed in her mind. Destroy him. It was what she was supposed to do. Her purpose. Her ticket out of this world for the rest of her immortal years. She wasn’t a Fae or a Legacy. She didn’t belong here. But she wasn’t a goddess or a deity. She was…alone. Even if Luka was similar to her, he had a place here. She still didn’t. She belonged nowhere.
And then Rordan had pulled that shit with Liam. Gods. She’d suspected he was going to push for this after the second time he’d arranged a luncheon for them, but to announce it tonight? In front of everyone? In front of Theon? That shouldn’t matter to her. Itdidn’tmatter to her. What did matter to her was being used as a power display before the realms.
Everyone only wanted her for her power.
To take from her.
Use her.
Theon was silent where he stood, blocking the alcove from view. His emerald eyes searched her, waiting for her to make the next move.
“What do you want from me?” she rasped, because at this point, she honestly didn’t know. Not anymore.
“Whatever you’ll give me, Tessa.”
“Nothing,” she spat. “I only want to take. Just like this realm, the worlds, the stars, only want to take from me.”
“Perfect, little storm, because I’ll give you anything you want.”
As it always was with them, she didn’t know who moved first. She only knew she was pulling his mouth to hers while he was pushing her up against the wall. The cool stone of the Pantheon pressed into her back in perfect contrast to her heated skin and Theon’s hot mouth. Kissing Luka was willingly giving him a piece of her. Kissing Theon was willingly letting himpossessher, and that was exactly what he did.
His tongue prodded at the seam of her lips, demanding access, and she let him in, needing the distraction from this night. He knew what she needed, and Luka clearly knew she needed to let someone else have control tonight. Knew that tonight she didn’t want to ask for anything. She justneeded.
As though he was aware of everything happening in this alcove, Luka’s voice drifted down the bond.I’m watching the doors to the hall.
Even with that reassurance, she felt Theon’s dark magic wrap around them. The shadows she was tucked back into deepened just as Theon deepened the kiss. Tongues tangled for dominance, but she didn’t know why she was trying to fight. The bond was elated. Her magic was elated. Her entire being was elated. Because she needed them both, and gods, she wished she understood why. But like Razik had said, she wasn’t supposed to exist. Everything was altered because of her crossed bloodlines. Wouldn’t it make sense that whatthiswas would be different from the rest of the realms too?
His tongue became rough, the kiss turning sharp and fast. It was all teeth and demand, and a small part of her screamed at giving him this. After everything he had done, she shouldn’t be letting him have any piece of her, but that was just it. Hewasn’tdemanding or forcing this. He’d waited for her, and she’d let herself fall into him, knowing the pleasure he would give her. Knowing that he would take care of her. Knowing she didn’t need to worry about this one simple thing. In this alcove, it was okay to simply exist.
Theon’s hand slipped to the back of her neck, the grip tight and possessive, and she nipped his bottom lip, feeling his groan all the way down to her core.
“I’ve missed you, little storm,” he gasped into her mouth, forcing her to swallow the words.
“I still have to destroy you,” she rasped, her head falling back. It hit the wall, but his hand was already sliding up from her neck, creating a buffer between her and the stone. His fingers curled into her hair, ruining the sleek updo it had painstakingly been wound into that night, but she was too lost to her emotions to notice.
With a small tug, he tilted her head back more and to the side, making room for him as he kissed down her neck, sucking and biting the tender skin. This was absolutely going to leave a mark. He knew it. She knew it. And a thrill went through her at the idea of openly defying every fucking thing Devram stood for. At saying fuck you to all their traditions. At shoving their power plays and politics up their asses. She just never thought she’d be doing all that with Theon.
His tongue swirled over the raw spot he’d left behind, a whimper coming from her mouth.
“Shh,” he soothed. “I always know what you need, tempest.”
Then his mouth was back on hers, any lingering thoughts disappearing as the hand gripping her hip slid up. He palmedher breast through her dress, and she suddenly hated that there was anything between their skin. She knew what those hands could do, which is why her breath hitched when he slid it back down. His fingers traced the delicate design of the corset top, leaving a branding trail of heat and need down her side, and when he started gathering the skirt of her dress, she couldn’t stop the pleased moan that came from her.
She felt him smile against her mouth as he broke the kiss, sliding his lips to her ear. “I know Luka is watching the doors and my magic is creating a barrier, but you still need to be quiet, Tessa.”
But when his fingers finally slipped beneath her dress and found the bare skin of her thigh, it was his breathing that stuttered. And when those fingers dragged up and were met with wet heat, he was the one groaning. “No undergarments, little storm?”
“This dress isn’t made to be worn with undergarments. Lines would show,” she panted.
“You and these fucking dresses will be my destruction,” he murmured.