“Found out what?” Theon ground out.
Felicity’s hand fluttered down his back in what he was sure she thought was a soothing motion, and Luka looked pointedly at her, telling Theon whatever he wanted to say couldn’t be said in front of her. If they used the bond, Tessa would hear, and Theon wasn’t sure if this was news she should hear right now either.
Liam and Tessa followed Rordan to their table on the opposite end of the room from his own. Theon didn’t care about mingling anymore. He only wanted another drink and to eat. To get this godsdamn night over with.
He was staring at her—as if he could do anything else when she was in the room—so he knew the moment she finally looked at him. Violet eyes connected with his before they slid to Felicityand narrowed. The only thing he felt down the bond was Tessa reinforcing her shields.
There was nothing they could do but return to their own table when it was signaled dinner was ready to be served. Fae pulled their chairs out for them, and Felicity’s fingers brushed along the back of his hand while they sat.
The soup course was served, and as was customary, a Sirana Legacy stepped up onto the dais to announce the year’s Match Contracts. With it being a Selection Year, the list was considerably shorter than most years. Theon was the only heir with a contract announced, which wasn’t surprising. Selection years were always quieter. The kingdoms were focused on the new Fae they would be choosing from at the end of the year, and since no Match Ceremonies could be completed during the year, the rest of the Legacy took their time with the required paperwork.
He couldn’t help but look over at Tessa when his contract was announced, only to see Liam with his arm draped along the back of her chair. Tessa didn’t seem happy about it, but she didn’t seemunhappyeither. Her elbow was propped on the table, her chin in her palm. She looked bored, which was a dangerous thing for her. It was when she got into trouble. He knew that better than anyone.
“We have one final Match to announce,” the female said from the dais. Theon had stopped listening, eating his soup mechanically. “While we normally only announce official contracts, Lord Jove felt it would be in the best interest of everyone to share that another contract is close to being reached.”
You need to keep your cool until we know what’s really going on,Luka said down the bond.
Tessa’s head turned slowly to them, violet eyes narrowing from across the room as she listened in.
Why would I care about an Achaz Match Contract?Theon asked.
Luka’s gaze was fixed on Tessa too, and whatever he saw there, had him speaking to her directly.Baby girl, you need to keep yourself under control too.
Her lips thinned, and she returned her attention to the Sirana Legacy who was speaking again. “Lord Jove expects this contract to be signed in the next few days, so he felt comfortable announcing the Match of Liam Vance, Achaz Legacy, and Tessalyn Ausra, Achaz Legacy.”
The uproar from the Ladies was immediate, and Tessa’s head whipped to Rordan. The light on her wrists was flaring so brightly, Theon had to look away. When he turned back, that light was winding up her arms. The Lord was both incredibly stupid and utterly brilliant to announce that pairing here. The Ladies wouldn’t make a huge scene here, despite their initial outrage, and Tessa was already on her last chance with everyone. If she lost her shit here, it would only confirm to the Ladies she needed to be dealt with. This was proving toeveryonethat the Achaz Lord still had control.
Over everything.
Tessa sat back in her seat, a glare Theon had been on the receiving end more than once was directed at Liam when he leaned in to speak to her. Theon could see her eyes glowing brightly from across the room. Her shields had slipped, and he could feel her working to keep herself under control. All those times he’d berated her for not controlling herself, and she had been doing her best. Just like now. Only now he couldfeelit all. Every bit of the turmoil and the restraint and thefury.
We’ll fix this, little storm,he tried to console down the bond.
You and Felicity?she sneered in return.
His hand tightened around his liquor glass as he leaned back for the wait staff to replace his soup bowl with his main meal.
Glad to hear your snark, beautiful.
The light around her arms sparked, and Luka was kicking him under the table.
Don’t fucking antagonize her right now,he chided.
But gods, this was the most she’d spoken to him in weeks, and she very rarely spoke to him down the bond unlessshewas antagonizinghim. He’d do almost anything to keep hearing her voice.
But her shields were already back up, the moment gone. Now he was in an even worse mood that was not helped when Felicity shifted closer, leaning in to speak.
Her hand once again landed on his arm when she said in a low voice, “I take it Tessa did not inform you of this development?”
“Tessa didn’t know,” he retorted.
She frowned. “Are you sure? I have seen them together more than once.”
Theon slowly turned to her, every muscle in his body going rigid. Was that Tessa’s real issue? That it had been revealed before she was ready? That she had wanted to use this secret to her advantage, and now that had been blown? The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Picking up his cutlery to cut into his steak, he said, “Where have you seen them?”
Luka had shifted, clearly listening in on the conversation. Why hadn’t Luka told him about any of this? Probably because Theon had told him not to tell him anything. He was just doing as he’d asked, and now here he was, blindsided.