“Theon,” she greeted with a mocking lilt. “So glad you could tear yourself away from your busy schedule to join us.”
His smile was sharp as he stood to speak with her, his mother and Felicity standing as well. “Lady Isleen, you look beautiful this evening,” he replied.
Her smile was as mocking as her words before her silver eyes slid to his mother. “Cressida. Lovely to see you as always. I am so sorry to hear Valter’s whereabouts are still unknown.”
Cressida’s smile was as sharp as Theon’s. “I have never underestimated him before. I wouldn’t start now.”
Lady Isleen only returned the smile before her gaze moved on to Felicity with interest. “And you must be Theon’s Match.”
“Felicity Davers,” Theon said. “Felicity, meet Lady Maya Isleen and her husband, Tovin.”
“It is a pleasure, my lady,” Felicity replied immediately, bowing her head.
Then she stepped forward and interlaced her fingers with Theon’s.
It took every ounce of self-control not to rip his hand out of hers.
“I look forward to seeing much more of both of you,” the Serafina Lady said before taking her leave.
Theon understood the double meaning. He was expected to be in attendance at more Devram meetings and events. In short, he was expected to perform all the duties of a Lord without the actual title.
Felicity’s other hand came to his forearm as she leaned into him, and the muscle in his jaw ticked.
“I’ll get you another one of those,” Luka muttered, taking his empty liquor glass from his hand.
He didn’t even remember drinking that.
Luka disappeared into the crowd, but before Theon could take his seat again, his mother was chiding him. “Go around and introduce Felicity to the others, Theon. This is important.”
“How is any of this important?” Theon retorted.
Cressida’s eyes widened. “All of this is important. Not just rebuilding those Villas, but maintaining our alliances. Honestly Theon, I thought your father had prepared you better for this role.” She swiped up her flute of champagne. “Our entire way of life is at stake. It is your job as an acting Lord to help maintain that. Andshe,” she went on with a pointed look at Felicity, “is here to help with that. It is her role as your Match.”
Theon wasn’t entirely sure what to say. This was the most his mother had ever spoken about the politics of Devram, but hesuddenly realized she’d been paying far more attention than he’d thought.
“The Celeste Lady is across the room. Start there,” Cressida said before she was off to greet others she knew.
He looked down at Felicity. The female smiled nervously up at him.
“I am here to make your life easier, Theon,” she said in a low whisper. “Whatever you need of me.”
What he needed was for her to stop fucking touching him, but that clearly wasn’t an option tonight. He gave her a tight smile, adjusting his arm so she could slide her hand to the crook of his elbow, before leading her over to the Celeste Lady and her husband. Luka appeared a few minutes later, handing off another drink and keeping close. Theon tried to stay focused on the conversations he was holding as they moved about the room, but Felicity never stopped touching him. She was always holding his hand or brushing her fingers along his arm. The wrongness of it all kept him thoroughly distracted, which is why he didn’t realize it when Tristyn Blackheart joined them. Probably because the male had stopped using his infamous glamours as of late. Ever since Tessa’s power had emerged, he hadn’t been nearly as preoccupied with keeping his identity a secret.
Tristyn hadn’t so much joined them, as he had come over to speak into Luka’s ear. Luka’s emotions spiked down the bond, his entire body tensing, but before Theon could ask, the air in the room changed. It became charged with energy, and he didn’t need the bond to know something powerful was approaching. Not something, but someone.
What he wasn’t expecting was her arm to be looped through another’s.
That wasn’t Rordan or Dex. That wasn’t Dagian or Brecken.
That was Liam Vance.
The male was an Achaz Legacy, a distant nephew of Rordan, and his family oversaw the seaside city of Astown Port. Tall and thin, his blond hair was dark with brown undertones making it look muddy next to Tessa’s shining golden hair. His brown eyes were ringed in gold, and right now those eyes were dancing with arrogance at the attention he was receiving with Tessa on his arm. Nevermind none of the attention was for him. It was all for her in that dress.
That fucking dress.
Intricate floral detailing was strategically woven among the sheer bodice that hugged her upper body. With open shoulder details and quarter sleeves, the back was open as she turned to someone who said her name. The rest of her sleek skirt draped to the floor in panels with a sweeping train that glimmered as the light hit it. He knew her heels had to be at least six inches, and he knew part of the reason she was still clutching his arm was so she didn’t fall in the things.
“I just found out,” Luka said, his eyes flicking to Felicity.