“It’s aFirewingssweatshirt, Luka,” she retorted.
“That you’ve worn before.”
“And once was enough.”
“It’ll do the job for tonight.”
A hand on her hip, she asked, “And what job is that? Making me sick?”
“No. It will cover your nipples,” he replied casually, heading for the door. “Let’s go.”
She looked down to find her nipples indeed peaked against her thin top, and she cursed under her breath as she pulled the sweatshirt on. “Now it looks like I’m not wearinganythingunderneath it,” she grumbled, stalking over to him. Of course it was huge on her and hung nearly to her knees.
“But at least what youarewearing is Firewings apparel,” he returned, pulling the door open for her.
She glared, flipping him her middle finger as she passed. “Are we going to Theon’s rooms?”
“Actually, we have one stop to make first,” Luka said, falling into step beside her.
“Kat?” she asked hopefully.
Luka glanced down at her. “No. She is not here.”
“What do you mean she is not here?”
“Apparently she left with Axel.” Before she could ask, he added, “None of us know much.”
He stopped outside another room, knocking twice, and a moment later, the door opened, sky-blue eyes connecting with hers.
“Lange,” she breathed, launching herself at him.
He chuckled as he caught her. “Hey, Tessa.”
“Where’s Corbin?” she asked when he set her back on her feet.
Lange looked over his shoulder into the darkened room. “He’s not feeling the greatest.”
“What’s wrong?” she asked, trying to peer past him.
“A headache or something,” Lange said. “Anyway, what are you doing here?”
A headache? Fae rarely got sick, let alone suffer from ailments like a headache.
“Theon has some information for us, I guess,” she said absent-mindedly, her thoughts still on Corbin.
“He’ll be okay, Tessa,” Lange said gently. “Just needs some rest.”
She nodded again, worrying her bottom lip as she looked up at him. “And you? You’re good?”
He smiled. “Yes, Tessa. It’s actually not so bad here. Comfortable rooms. Food. Protection.”
“Those are basic necessities, Lange,” she deadpanned.
“And they’re provided for us here and more,” he replied, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorjamb. “There aren’t any added expectations. It’s like we can just…live. We have privacy. We can be together.” He shrugged again. “I don’t think we’ll get that in another kingdom. I know we’ll be expected to contribute and all, but it’s different from what I thought it’d be.”
They wouldn’t be getting that at all if Valter were still ruling. But that also meant that Theon was giving them that little bit of freedom.
And she was going to take that all away when she came to fulfill her purpose.