“Yet you are the one who insisted I Travel it to this building,” Luka countered, his hold on the book tight. He eyed his brother as though he thought Razik would take it from his hands.

“He has a point,” Theon said.

Kat whirled to him. “You are not seriously going to let him steal a book, Theon,” she hissed. “You will never be allowed back on this island. None of us will be.”

A little shocked at her tone, Theon said carefully, “They won’t be able to prove it was us, and we can return it when we’re done.”

“And if we are caught?” she demanded.

By the gods, he’d never seen her this worked up.

“I’ll handle it,” he said.

“Youwill be fine,” she retorted. “Luka will be fine. Razik and Eliza will be fine because they are not from here. But me and—Iwill not be afforded the same consideration.”

There were unshed tears shining in her eyes. Theon hadn’t known her long, but he knew she wasn’t usually the emotional type.

“You think I will not protect you?” he asked, bending to peer up into her eyes.

“The Legacy sacrifice Fae all the time,” she retorted. “Tell me you haven’t done so in the past.”

“That was different.”



Theon wasn’t sure how to explain this. She was right. He’d sacrificed others to get what he wanted. Not just Fae. Anyone who got in the way. Anything to prove to his father he was what he needed to be to avoid suspicion. He did what needed to be done, and he did so without remorse. This should be no different, but it was.

“We can make a blood oath,” he finally said. “I’ll swear to keep you from harm and protect you.”

Her brow pinched. “I don’t want a blood oath from you, Theon,” Kat replied. “This isn’t about what you can give me. It’s about the reality of this realm. They will seek retribution, and I am the one who will suffer.”

“I swear that won’t happen,” he argued.

“If we are caught, they will arrest all of us. A Tribunal Hearing will be held. You can’t be killed because you’re the Arius Heir or Lord or whatever,” Kat said, speaking rapidly while two tears slipped free. “Luka and Razik won’t be killed because they’re both Legacy. Eliza is Razik’s twin flame, and he will have her gone from this world before anyone could even entertain the idea of killing her. That leaves me. To punish you and your kingdom for the betrayal of your agreement in coming here, they will take me from your kingdom and kill me. A coveted fire Fae whose twin flameleft her herewith no one to care.”

All the mirth from a few moments ago was gone. Theon wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, but he reached out and pulled Katya into his chest, holding her tight. It wasn’t anything more than what he hoped was something comforting. He used to do the same for Axel when they were younger.

She was sobbing, his shirt dampening with her tears where she cried against his chest. He smoothed a hand down her hair,and he looked up, meeting Luka’s gaze and saying only, “The book stays.”

Hours later, when the sun had set and they were back at the estate, Theon knocked softly on Kat’s door. She appeared a moment later, swollen eyes telling him she’d been crying all over again.

“Yes? What can I do for you?” she asked.

“Can I come in?” Theon said.

“Of course,” she said, stepping back and pulling the door wider for him to enter. She closed it behind him as she said, “I apologize for not being dressed properly. I didn’t know?—”

“It’s fine, Katya,” he interrupted. “I only wanted to check on you after earlier today.”

A faint blush crept across her cheeks. “I also apologize for my behavior and for speaking to you in such a manner,” she murmured, hands clasped in front of her and eyes on the floor.

“I know everything with Axel has been difficult for you,” Theon said. “I’m working on a way to fix this.”

She nodded, still avoiding his gaze. “Is he why you did it?”

Confused, Theon asked, “What?”