“You seemed excited for no reason.”
“Altering memories can’t be that different from altering visions,” Luka drawled.
“She had a spell book,” Eliza cut in. “Descendants of the Witch goddesses can create new Marks. Her book was full of them along with potions, spells, and other enchantments.”
“Had?” Theon asked, getting stuck on that one word.
“Scarlett stole it,” Eliza said. “Then returned it. Then tricked her into giving it back.”
Of course that insane female had played a deadly game with a dangerous sorceress.
“But could she affect Tessa from another world?” Theon asked.
“Again, altering memories is not the same as altering visions,” Razik said.
“But if there was another sorceress…” Kat said. She trailed off as she stood. “I’ll be back.”
“Should I…?” Luka asked, looking to Theon.
“Yes,” Theon answered.
Luka immediately stood, following the female. Not because she needed to be watched, but because Theon knew exactly what a Legacy was capable of with an unaccompanied Fae.
Turning back to the others, he said, “You’re really not going to discuss the fact that the two of you are brothers?”
Eliza looked between them, while Razik stared back at Theon. And gods, the look was the same as Luka. Unreadable except for the clear annoyance.
“I don’t think it’s your business,” Razik said coldly.
“I think it is,” Theon retorted. “Because while you may be his blooded brother, Ichosehim as my family. We havebeen through everything together. For twenty-five years, he has believed he was the last of his kind. Then you show up here, not only a Sargon Legacy but a brother, and don’t give two fucks?”
“We had very different upbringings. The male he knew clearly cared about him, but couldn’t give two fucks about me,” Razik said, returning to his book.
“And that’s not Luka’s fault, you prick,” Theon shot back.
That had Razik looking up again before he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. “And what will it matter in the end, Arius Lordling?”
“What does that mean?”
“You want us to get to know each other and become close when I am not going tostayhere?” Razik asked. “Us forming some kind of relationship isn’t going to matter in the end.”
Eliza was silent, her head down and acting the part of a submissive Fae for once, but Theon knew she wasn’t reading the book in front of her. She was listening to every word, and now he was annoyed with her too. She obviously had sway over the male, and she was going to say nothing?
“Forget it,” Theon said, going back to his own research.
Nothing else was said until Luka and Katya returned. She looked a touch more like herself, that excitement Theon recognized buzzing faintly around her, even if her amber eyes were still too dull.
Setting a large tome on the table, she flipped it open. It was in an ancient language, but one that Razik clearly knew as she turned the book so he could see it better. Theon recognized some words, but not enough to read it proficiently. It would take him a little time to translate it.
“What is this?” Razik asked, scanning the page.
“A book from another building,” Luka said. “It’s why it took us so long.”
Theon glanced up at him. “They let you take this from another building?”
“Not exactly,” Luka said. “But Katya insisted it was important, so we may have Traveled.”
“Because itisimportant,” Razik murmured, fully engrossed in the book now. “Have you read all this, Kat?”