The slip-up she’d been waiting for, and he knew it too.
Her smile was pure hatred as she looked up at him. “Tell me again about how you haven’t been lying to me,” she said in a tone too soft and lethal.
“To protect you,” he snarled.
She barked another joyless laugh. “Now you sound just like Theon, only he never pretended he was anything other than what he is.”
Light flared, a portal appearing behind her.
“Tessa, you can’t leave without me,” Dex said, lurching forward, but her power slammed into him again. He hit the wall harder this time, frames rattling with the impact. “The Achaz Lord?—”
“Is not my master,” she sneered, stepping backwards through the portal.
She turned, taking in the gardens behind Arius House. She was just down the path from the stables and the kennels, and all she wanted to do right now was to sit with Roan. Her shieldswere in place, blocking the bond so Luka and Theon wouldn’t know where she was unless they used the Tracking Mark.
Still in her training clothes, they stuck to her with the chill air. For once, she was wearing boots as she made her way down the path. She’d take them off once she found Roan.
Rounding the corner that would take her into the kennels, she went utterly still. Beyond the kennels was an open field that led up into the mountains. She knew that field. She’d run through it the day she’d tried to run from Theon what felt like a lifetime ago. But Theon stood there, two of his hounds prancing around him, while Roan sat off to the side watching. Her wolf turned to her, but she shook her head as she darted behind a nearby tree. Keeping out of sight, she crept closer, unsure what she would do if either of the hounds spotted her, but they seemed to be busy with their master.
Finally reaching the kennels, she edged along the building until she could peer around the corner. Not only could she see better from here, but she could hear what Theon was saying too.
“Let Rigel get this one, Kacela,” he was chiding.
Tessa expected him to throw a ball or stick, and he did. Sort of. His darkness converged, an inky orb in the air by his shoulder, and then a ball shot out of the magic, sailing off into the distance. Rigel yipped excitedly as he took off, Kacela giving a disgruntled whine from where she sat beside Theon.
He crouched beside her, scratching behind her ears.
“We all know you’re the best,” he consoled. “Let’s just give him this one, yeah?”
She whined again, leaning into his hand before she leapt, knocking him onto his ass. Theon landed with anoomphand a muttered curse, and Tessa swallowed her laugh before it could give her away. The hound’s front paws were on his chest, her tail wagging as he used his magic to tease her. Wisps of black playfully tugged on her tail, her belly, her ear. She yipped,snapping at the magic, and Theon…laughedwhile he played with her. It was another minute before Rigel reappeared with the ball, dropping it at his feet. Kacela sat back, allowing Theon to sit up and praise the other hound for retrieving the ball. He didn’t get up though. He sat there with his knees bent, elbows resting atop them as he stared out across the field. What was he doing?
Kacela drew closer, nudging at his elbow before she tucked her head under his arm and sat beside him. A steadfast companion. The same way her wolves were with her. Tessa watched while the two sat, Rigel lying at his side. A soft whine came from Kacela, and Theon sighed.
“I don’t know when we’ll get to hunt again,” he said, as if the hound had spoken to him. “You could track down Axel, but he made his choice. I can only protect him for so long, even if it feels wrong to let him do this.”
Had he spoken to Axel? Seen him? Tessa had given him information, but had he acted on it? Luka hadn’t said anything to her, but then again, why would he?
Kacela gave another low whimper, and Theon huffed a bitter laugh. “I’m out of time for everything these days. Too many new responsibilities and worries. Even hardly sleeping, I don’t have enough time in the day. I’m out of time to help Axel. I’m out of time to help my kingdom. I’m out of time with her.”
Sighing again, he patted the hound’s head before he pushed to his feet, swiping up the ball as he went. He made his way to where Roan was lying down now, and the wolf raised his head at his approach.
“What do you say, Roan?” Theon asked, tossing the ball in the air a few times. “You going to try today?”
The wolf stared back at him, glowing eyes unblinking.
“I’d love to give her news other than the same old, same old,” Theon added. “You don’t even have to run. Just walk and get it.”
Roan’s eyes flicked to where Tessa was lurking, then back to Theon before the wolf stiffly got to his feet. Tears welled in her eyes as the wolf limped forward, moving slowly.
“That a boy,” Theon praised softly. He looked at the ball, but then a swirl of darkness had it disappearing. “You know what? Let’s just walk a little, yeah?”
Roan huffed a sound, and Theon reached out as though he was going to pet him but then thought better of it, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. He looked so different out here with the hounds. He was in jeans, something he never wore. His boots crunched on the frozen grass while they walked, Kacela and Rigel trotting over to join them where they made their way across the empty field. Theon kicked large rocks and sticks out of Roan’s way as they approached, and Tessa felt her chest doing something it definitely should not be doing.
He didn’t need to be out here in the cold looking after her wolf. He didn’t need to be tending to him himself. There were people he paid to do that, yet here he was. Taking time he was just telling Kacela he didn’t have to walk with her wolf.
“She’s going to be proud of you, you know,” Theon said to Roan as they continued their slow path. “She’ll get that smile on her face that she never lets anyone see. It’ll be a real one. She doesn’t do it often, so you better burn it into your memory when you see her again. It’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see, and I hope I’m there to witness it. Selfish, I know.”
Tessa swallowed thickly, reaching up to swipe her fingertips under her eyes as she stepped back. Moving as fast as she dared, she went back the way she came until she was far enough away that the light from her portal wouldn’t give her away, but she needed to leave because she was feeling too many things.