So loyal, my flower,he praised down the bond.
She rolled her eyes, and Tessa huffed a laugh.
They fell into silence again until finally Tessa got to her feet, stretching her arms above her head. “Well, this was delightful,” she said, tapping her now empty glass and setting it beside the wine bottle that was still half-full. She wasn’t going to…leave that here, was she? “I find your company far better than most.”
What a bizarre statement. They’d hardly spoken.
Tessa was reaching for the door handle when Eviana said, “The Villas. Was everyone killed?”
“Just the full-blooded Legacy,” she answered, turning to face her.
“How would they know that?”
Tessa shrugged, but lightning flickered between her fingers. “No idea.”
“And they were all killed?”
“Every last one of them within the walls at the time.”
“I’m told her death was particularly merciless,” Tessa answered, nothing but fury glittering in her eyes.
“And Mansel?” she couldn’t help but ask.
Tessa frowned. “I know who that is to you, but I could not tell you if he was there that night. I do not know him.”
Disappointment churned in her chest at that, but that was fine. It would be nice if he’d died, but he wasn’t her concern.Her concern would forever be the child with turquoise eyes and auburn hair. Eventually she’d have her vengeance, but not until she was beyond sure that child would be safe from the fallout.
“Tessa,” Eviana called out when she reached for the door handle again.
“Yes?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.
“I hope precautions are being taken,” Eviana said, holding her stare. “To protect the Legacy.”
“Of course,” Tessa said with a wicked grin. “We’re making sure everyone is prepared for what might come. We want to be sure everyone understands others might be sent to help. To ensure everyone can recognize ally from enemy.”
“I enjoyed our chat,” Eviana said, tipping her still full wineglass towards her.
“I’ll have to make them a habit,” she replied with a wink.
And then she was breezing through the door, a male glaring at her on the other side. Tessa didn’t acknowledge him. Just left him to trail after her. That was all she saw before the door was shut once more, the enchantments that kept her confined slipping into place.
But Tessalyn was not what she was expecting.
That was what she pondered as she stood near the small window and sipped the wine. The window wasn’t nearly large enough for anyone to climb in and out of, but she could see the surrounding vegetation. It had her magic writhing to be used. So much plant life within reach. She could conjure her own, sure, but it was much less draining to use the resources around her.
To ensure everyone can recognize ally from enemy.
She didn’t give two fucks about which side anyone was on. Her only care was protecting that child. She didn’t care whose blood was spilled or in what manner. She’d played the roles required of her and fucked whoever she needed to for information. She’d shoved stakes into backs and sliced bladesacross throats. She’d burned things to the ground, along with everyone inside, and let others take the fall.
Because one day she’d have vengeance.
One day she’d have more than that.
Eviana picked up the bottle of wine, pouring all of it into her glass. It overflowed, spilling onto the floor and soaking into the rug. A red stain on all the white in here.
She didn’t care about Tessa’s vendetta or what her plans were, but if she was offering a way out of herewithoutValter? She’d take it. It didn’t matter what she had to do, she’d do it all.