Of rescuing herself.
It was another few seconds before he managed to say, “You have blood…everywhere.”
She looked down, finding red sprayed across her white pants and gold sweater. With another frown she said, “Maybe I should just portal us back to Faven? Will I be able to do that if Rordan couldn’t?”
Brecken nodded mutely, and she summoned a portal, both of them stepping through. She hadn’t realized how much time had passed until she saw the twilight sky out the windows.
“I’m going to go. I’ll send word to Dex and the others that you wanted to leave,” Brecken said. “I have some things to get figured out.”
“Two days, Brecken,” she warned as he crossed her room to the door.
He said nothing else, but when he was gone, Tessa knew there was no way she could go to bed. She was too wound up. Felt too reckless.
Too impulsive.
Too wild.
So she summoned another portal and stepped through.
He knew she was back. He could feel it down this godsdamn bond, and it was taking every ounce of self-control not to hunt her down.
Luka had felt her all afternoon. They’d finished their training session before she’d taken off to shower and get changed. They’d left for the Sirana Villas midafternoon. He’d been informed they were having a light dinner with Desiray, but he’d felt her anger, then her distress, then her renewed fury. Both he and Theon had tried to reach out to her, banging against the mental barrier that was keeping them out. That was the thing, though. Eventually, that barrier fell, and try as they might, they couldn’t reach her. She was too lost to her wrath, and he had no idea what had triggered such a visceral reaction. Was she hurt? Did she need help?
His phone was buzzing on the bedside table, but he didn’t need to check it to know it was Theon. He didn’t have any answers for him, so he didn’t bother responding. He’d spent the entire afternoon and evening doing anything he could to keep from thinking about Razik and the potential blood relation.What did it say that the male hadn’t even attempted to reach out?
Then again, neither had he.
Luka had even gone so far as to Travel to Arius House to check on the wolf despite Theon’s consistent updates. But now she was back, and his dragon was pressing at his soul. He hadn’t felt this out of control with his magic and shifting since his power had first emerged.
He was almost grateful when bright light eclipsed the low flames keeping his room dim.
He made a mental note to start teaching her to Travel in one of their next lessons because he was sick and tired of being blinded whenever she felt like showing up.
Those exact words were on the tip of his tongue when he turned back to face her, but then his mouth dried out at the sight that greeted him.
She was in white fitted pants and a gold top, and there was blood. All over her clothes. Her face. Her feet left bloody footprints on the floor when she took a single step forward. Her golden hair was down, speckled with red, and those violet eyes were glowing bright with a craze he didn’t know what to do with.
“Tessa?” he ventured carefully, partly because he didn’t know what was going on, but also because everything in him wanted to comfort her, claim her, and then end whoever had done this to her.
She didn’t answer. Only watched him in a way that made him feel like he was somehow the prey in this situation, and it had his magic pushing even more.
“Tessa?” he said again, not moving. “Are you hurt?”
“I killed someone,” she said, and fuck, her voice had that ring to it.
“Okay,” he replied.
“Two people actually.”
He nodded. “Okay,” he said again. “Was anyone else hurt?”
“Do you know what they do at the Villas?”