Page 90 of Lady of Darkness

She was keenly aware that every eye was on them as he placed a hand on her waist, and not just the eyes of the castle guards or Sloan or Finn. As Callan began leading her through the dance, he said to her quietly, “I finished your most recent book last night.”

“Oh?” She tried to relax, but she could feel the tension in her limbs and muscles.

“Not as good as the first few, but fine enough,” he said. His tone was casual, easy. The tone of someone who was used to having all eyes on him at all times.

“If you didn’t fall asleep while reading it, it is clearly better than what you’ve been filling your time with,” Scarlett replied. She dared a glance around. Sloan was staring at them stone-faced next to the women of the court who were watching her with looks of pure loathing. They were all in varying shades of autumn — golds and reds and russets, a stark contrast to her black attire.

“Do not look at them,” Callan murmured. “It is easier to pretend they are not there if you do not pay them heed.”

“Does it bother you? To have your every movement watched?”

“Why do you think I was in that hidden clearing that day?” he answered, his mouth forming a grim line. “And even there, I had eyes on me.”

“They are your friends, though. Finn and Sloan,” she countered.

“They are, but they also have their jobs,” Callan grumbled.

“Poor Princeling, having two people making sure he is safe at all times,” she crooned with a grin.

Surprise passed over Callan’s face. His eyes narrowed as he said, “You do know I am the actual Crowned Prince, right?”

“I called you Princeling, didn’t I?” Scarlett replied sweetly. When he only stared back at her, she sighed. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Callan. If your title means so much to you—”

“It doesn’t,” he interjected. “It is a breath of fresh air to have someonenotcare about my title.To tease me and simply call me Callan. It is nice to have a friend who is simply that.”

“We are friends?”

“We are people who converse on a regular basis, who share details about ourselves and our interests. Yes, I would call us friends,” Callan said thoughtfully. “Although friends usually know each other’s names.”

Scarlett let a small smile tug at the corner of her mouth. “Do they now?”

“You will not tell me?”

She didn’t say a word. Just shook her head slowly, her eyes fixed on his.

“That is hardly fair. You know my name,” he argued.

“You’re the Crown Prince. Everyone knows your name,” Scarlett replied dryly.

A small applause broke out as the song ended. The throng of court ladies began to make their way to him, but his fingers tightened on hers as she made to pull away. And as the next song began, he gently tugged her back to him, closer than before.

“Do you not need to dance with others?” she asked, her mouth going dry.

“I am the Crown Prince,” he replied, his voice thick. “I do notneedto do anything.”

Indeed. Callan danced with no one else for the rest of the evening, save for his little sister, Princess Eva, who giggled as Callan swung her around the floor. As soon as she was ushered off to bed, though, he had come right back to Scarlett. Finn had kept her company while he had been occupied, and she had used the time to study the royal family— the king and Queen Meredith. To the king’s right was his Hand, Lord Lairwood, and next to him, his son, whose eyes met hers. A slow smile spread across his lips as he had lifted his wine goblet to her.

And when the moon was high, and it was nearing midnight, Scarlett knew she needed to go and take her tonic. As planned, Cassius appeared at the ballroom entrance, waiting for her. He caught her eye and gave a subtle jerk of his chin. Time to go.

“You have a keeper?” Callan asked quietly when she told him she needed to take her leave, noting her escort at the hall doors.

“No, I do not have a keeper,” she chided. Their dances had become closer and closer as the night had progressed. Finn and Sloan had intercepted any other ladies who tried to ask the prince for a dance. He held her close now, his arm looped around her waist, her hand clasped in his against his chest.

“Then why?”

“Darkness and secrets, Prince,” she whispered, her tone sultry.

“And where shall you go?” he pressed, as she began to disentangle herself from his arms.