Page 86 of Lady of Darkness

“No. I do not think he should be entrusted with the wellbeing of an entire Court of people,” Sorin answered, “but it is also not his choice.”

Scarlett was debating what her next question would be when Sorin asked her something that made her nearly drop her tea.

“How are you feeling about Prince Callan coming here tomorrow?”

“If he has information for us, I will deal with it,” she replied shortly.

“It puts you at risk?”

“Anything involving me and Callan puts me and others at risk,” she said quietly.

“And who shall you be tomorrow night?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Scarlett asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Will you be the woman I have been training? The sacrificing lover? Death’s Maiden let out of her cage?”

“I shall be whomever I need to be to get information from him,” Scarlett answered darkly. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Considering you all are commandeering my apartment to sneak the Crowned Prince into it, it most certainly is my business,” Sorin retorted. Scarlett pursed her lips, crossing her arms. He had a point. Then he asked, his tone a touch softer, “Have I not yet earned your trust?”

“It is not that I do not trust you, Sorin,” Scarlett said after a beat of silence. “It is that I have done some atrocious things, so much worse than allowing a prince to fall in love with me. And I fear… I fear how you will look at me when you hear that story.”

“I have lived for centuries, Scarlett. I assure you, I have done things far more horrid in my time,” he answered darkly.

“I can be so many people, wear so many masks, because if I were to just be me, the choices I have made to protect those I love… I would look at that person with hatred and disgust.”

“Your friends, who know of the things you speak of, do not look at you with such distaste.”

Scarlett huffed a humorless laugh. “My friends see me as they need to. To Drake, I am another little sister, like Tava, in need of protecting. To Tava, I am an interesting creature that fascinates her as well as terrifies her. To Nuri, I am her twin. I am the wicked and the dark and the untamed wildfire that rages when unleashed.”

“And Cassius? What are you to Cassius?”

“Despite what many think, Cassius and I are not lovers, nor have we ever been. To Cassius… I am his place to pause and breathe in a world of malice and struggle, and he is mine.”

“And how would you like to be seen?”

“Even I don’t know the answer to that. I’ve never been given the freedom to decide such a thing.”

Sorin was quiet for a long moment. “Tell me the story of that night, Scarlett.”

“No,” she whispered. “Some memories are better left sleeping.”

“Then tell me how you met the Crowned Prince.”

Scarlett studied him hard. “There is no going back from this point, General. If I tell youthattale, you shall need to keep all my secrets or it puts more than myself at risk. So I suppose I must ask, where does your true allegiance lie? To the crown of this kingdom? Or to people who cannot protect themselves?”

“You can do more than protect yourself,” Sorin replied with a knowing look.

“We did not befriend the prince for my safety, Sorin. My safety has always been…another’s concern. We befriended the prince for the safety of the innocent children in our home.”

“The Black Syndicate? It is a district of thieves and criminals and mercenaries. How could they not protect the children there?”

“Indeed,” Scarlett said darkly. “Can I putthatmuch trust in you, Sorin? To expose the weaknesses of my people? Or will your duty to the king, to Lord Tyndell, outrank my need for secrecy?”

“I may work for the king, Scarlett, but my allegiance has always been to my own people.”

Scarlett considered that. His own people were to the north, apparently. And the south and the east in a way, she supposed. She took a deep breath. “Three years ago, children in the Black Syndicate began disappearing. They were all orphans, street children. They were never left to their own devices. Some were snatched up to be trained in the various activities of the Black Syndicate, like Nuri and Cassius. The ones who are not are looked after, there is always food and shelter for them. They are never starving or in need of necessities. We take care of our own. Until we couldn’t.