“He’s told me a few things that he’s worked out,” Cassius admitted, adding some lavender and jasmine soap to the tub.
“Then why wouldn’t he tell me anything?” Scarlett asked, her voice sharp. She could feel her anger and hurt from the past several weeks bubbling to the surface. Her hands were cold and clammy.
“Scarlett,” Cassius said, his voice cautious, “he told me very little, but enough that I trust him.” When Scarlett didn’t say anything, he added quietly, “He had answers for me too. And Nuri.”
Scarlett’s gaze softened as she looked into Cassius’s eyes. “Tell me everything.”
“I can’t right now. I have to go and meet Drake tonight to finalize everything for tomorrow, which is why I’m leaving, but I have given Sorin permission to tell you anything about me.I will fill you in on whatever he doesn’t when I see you tomorrow.”
Cassius turned to help her with her dress. It was just as difficult to get off as it was to slide on with how fitted it was. And trying to get it off while still slightly shaky? Forget it. As for Cassius seeing her naked body, that hadn’t been an issue for years. He held her hand and helped her climb over the lip of the tub, keeping her steady while she lowered herself into the water. The bubbles from the soaps and oils came nearly to her chin. She submerged her head, coming back up with soaking hair and water running down her face.
“I cannot imagine Sorin had lavender and jasmine soaps laying around,” Scarlett commented, pushing her hair back from her face.
Cassius barked a laugh. “No. Nuri brought them, and Tava gave me clothes that are out on the dresser. He had buttoned his shirt now and was working on the cuffs of his sleeves.
“Come here,” Scarlett said, motioning for him to come closer. She dried her hands on a nearby towel and fastened the buttons.
As she worked, Cassius said, “For what it’s worth, there’s a connection there, with you and Sorin.” Scarlett finished the final cuff and started to protest but he stopped her. “You don’t have to agree with me. I’m just telling you what everyone else sees. I may be your favorite, but if he’s in the room, your eyes go to him first, then they seek me out. When you’re not looking, he’s constantly watching you, assessing for threats. And the two of you dancing the other night? Whether there was wine involved or not, I swear you both glowed in an odd way. It was as if there was no else in the room. It’s been there since the first time you two faced off in the training galley. He’s able to reach you when no one else can. I see it. Nuri sees it. Everyone sees it. What it is? I guess that’s for you two to sort out.”
Scarlett was speechless. She was staring at the bubbles, playing with them in her fingers. She couldn’t even look Cassius in the eyes. She felt his fingers grip her chin and lift her face to his. “You are fierce and strong and a survivor. You need no one, Scarlett Monrhoe, but wouldn’t it be nice to have someone there with you so you can rest and take a breath, even if only for a minute?”
“That’s what I have you and Nuri for,” Scarlett whispered, tears burning at the back of her eyes.
Cassius leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I love you dearly, but I worry about the times I can’t be there. And Nuri…she’s her own creature. You two are as likely to kill each other as you are to protect each other, especially without a buffer any more. Just think about what I said.” He stood up, and before he turned to leave he said, “Talk to Sorin, Scarlett. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
When he reached the doorway Scarlett called out, “Cassius?” He stopped and looked over his shoulder. His shoulder-length brown hair swayed slightly with the motion. His dark brown eyes studied her with expectation. “Everything’s about to change, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Seastar, nothing will be the same again.”
Scarlett took her time in the bath, soaking in the warmth and letting the lavender soothe her racing mind. She had asked questions and wanted answers for years, but now that they were within her grasp, she found herself dragging her feet. And to know they’d learned something about Cassius’s past, too? She knew the night would be long and exhausting.
She finally climbed out of the bathtub and toweled off. Tava had sent her a brush, among other things, but the dress she had sent for her made Scarlett want to put the red gown back on.
Tava lived for dresses of any kind and couldn’t understand how Scarlett could possibly prefer pants and tunics. Her noble upbringing, Scarlett supposed. The dress she’d brought for her to wear was a light peach color with a fitted bodice and cinched at the waist. Since she didn’t have a choice, Scarlett pulled the horrid thing on, took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door, padding barefoot out to the main living area.
She took in the space. When she had been here before, she hadn’t really looked around. She’d been in too much grief and then lost in too much anger to remember any of his apartment, save for the piano that stood in the far left corner. The rest of the space was spacious and cozy;not at all what Scarlett had been expecting Sorin’s home to look like. The couch sat before a lit fireplace that seemed to be radiating very little heat. Across the room was a large dining table, strewn about with books and papers. Sorin sat in a chair at the table, his head jerking up at the sound of the door. Before Scarlett had a chance to take in any more of the space, Nuri came from a door adjacent to where she stood and laughed. “What are you wearing?”
Scarlett scowled at her and snapped, “I didn’t really have much of a choice now, did I?”
“Wearing nothing would have been a better option than that atrocity,” Nuri scoffed, crossing the room and plopping onto the sofa. “I’m sure Sorin would agree, although he would likely prefer you wearing nothing over anything, anyway. Right, you Fae prick?”
Scarlett slid her eyes to Sorin, narrowing them, and crossing her arms in front of her. “I see you two are getting along just fine.”
“Not as well as Nuri here would like, but we are adjusting. Right, Nuri dear?” he crooned to her. Nuri flipped him off. Sorin smirked and returned his attention to the papers in front of him. “If you have indeed taken up teas and luncheons since the Pier, though Princess, then by all means, carry on. But if you would rather not look like a spoiled lady about to see a would-be suitor, there are options in the other bedroom in the drawers.”
“Why would you have women’s clothing here?” Scarlett asked, glaring at him.
“For all the lovers he brings home, of course,” Nuri drawled, propping her head on her fist and batting her lashes at Sorin. He gave her an unimpressed stare. “Sorry, General, butsomeoneelse’s scent is in that room.”
“I assure you, if I were bringing any lovers back here, the scent would not be inthatroom,” Sorin replied. His gaze shifted back to Scarlett. “It is considered proper to always be prepared for your guest’s needs where I am from.”
Scarlett waited for him to say more, but when he didn’t, she huffed to the other bedroom Nuri had come from. The bed was precisely made, as if no one had ever slept in it, but Nuri was right.There was a scent that lingered in the room. A scent of cinnamon and fire and something sweet. Apple maybe?
Whatever. She didn’t care who Sorin brought home or who he shared his bed with.