Page 70 of Lady of Darkness

He whirled to find Nuri up the beach, beckoning him to follow her. She led him along the shadows of the cliffs to a small cave.

“Cassius will know where to find you,” she said when they entered the cave.

Sorin slid down the wall, keeping Scarlett close to him. She was shivering uncontrollably. Nuri stood, watching her.

“You knew this would happen?” he asked her.

“Yes. I have seen her not take her tonic a few times. She will drift in and out of consciousness until she takes that stronger dose,” Nuri answered. “Can you warm her?”

“If I have her ring, I can,” Sorin answered.

“Her ring? That’s unexpected,” Nuri quipped, striding over to them. She dropped to a crouch in a fluid motion, gently easing the ring from Scarlett’s finger.

“How much do you know that you have not shared, Daughter of Night?” Sorin asked as he slid the ring on to his own hand once more.

“Same question to you, Fae of Fire,” Nuri purred.

A scream of pain suddenly burst from Scarlett as she lurched from his arms. She landed on her hands and knees, her stomach convulsing, but it wasn’t vomit that came from her mouth. It was smoke, dark and thick.

Nuri casually stood and stepped back. “Calm her, General. I’m going to find Cassius.”

“You are what?” Sorin asked, his eyes flying to hers. “You are going to leave her here?”

“No. I’m going to leave her withyou,” Nuri replied simply, and then she was gone.

Scarlett cried out again, her hands going to her head, covering her ears. “Make it stop,” she panted.

Sorin jolted to his knees in front of her. Her eyes were not their usual icy blue, but gold with smoke swirling in them, and she didn’t seem to see him. She seemed to look right through him. “Cassius!” she cried. “I need Cassius. He can make it stop.”

She was gasping for breath, as if she couldn’t get enough air down. She convulsed again, and smoke rose from her fingertips, coiling around her wrists, her arms. Sorin reached out a hand for her, and she jerked back at the touch. She tried to take in a breath but coughed and gagged, choking on nothing.

“Scarlett,” Sorin whispered. He had never seen anything like this. He had watched young Fae struggle to control their magic, but he had never seen a display like this.

Scarlett screamed again, pulling at her hair. “Cassius!”

The sound pulled Sorin from his shock. He gripped her wrists, and this time when she jerked, he held firm. “Scarlett,” he said again, louder. Commanding. “Scarlett, look at me.”

Her eyes snapped to his and a flash of recognition flickered. “I need Cassius,” she sobbed. “He can make it stop.”

“Cassius is not here. I am all you have, Love. Let me help you.” He tugged at her hands. “Let go, Scarlett. Let go.” He gently pried her fingers from her hair. She was shaking, and he sent a flood of warmth through her skin. “Breathe, Love. Take a breath.”

“I can’t,” she gasped. “I need Cassius.”

“He is coming, Scarlett. Just take a breath.”

“Make it stop!” she cried around the gasping sobs. Her hands slammed over her ears, as if she were hearing something unbearable. “Sorin, make it stop! Please! Please!”

Sorin gathered her into his lap, prying her hands from her ears and wrapping his arms tightly around her.He sent another wave of warmth through her and guided her head to rest against his chest. “I’m here, Scarlett. I’m here. I am not going anywhere,” he said, rocking her gently. “Take a breath.”

“I can’t,” she panted. Her hands fisted into his shirt as she struggled against his hold.

“You can, and you will. Take a breath,” he answered, his tone sharpening into a command. He felt her inhale deep and shudder. “Again,” he ordered.

Another shaky breath filled her lungs. Her entire body went from taut to lax, and she collapsed against his chest. “I need Cassius,” she whispered, her words barely audible.

“I know, Love. He is coming,” Sorin said, letting his head fall back against the wall. Her breathing was still unsteady, but she was getting air down and had stopped convulsing. He didn’t know when she passed out again, but he held her tightly against him.

Minutes later Cassius called out to him as he entered the cave. “Let’s go,” he said, striding over and scooping Scarlett into his arms. “Did she say anything?”