Page 67 of Lady of Darkness


“In my dream that night. There was someone in my dream that healed it.”

“Who? How?” Sorin asked, his eyes widened slightly as they met hers. There was a glimmer of panic or fear in them. She couldn’t tell in the darkness. But before Scarlett could explain, she jerked upright as a wave of nausea passed over her.

“I need to go back,” she said, the world spinning slightly around her. She didn’t know if it was from the wine or needing to take her tonic, but she didn’t want to wait to find out.

“Are you all right?” Sorin asked, scanning and assessing her quickly, ever the warrior.

“It is well into the early morning. I need to take my tonic,” Scarlett answered, trying to stand.

Sorin helped her up, steadying her. “Do you not have one with you?” he questioned, eyeing her tight fitting dress.

“Yes, but it’s back at the Pier. In my cloak,” Scarlett replied, stumbling towards the secret cavern. It was one she’d found by accident this spring. It was also a cavern only accessible at night when the tide was out. Otherwise, you’d need to either swim through the cavern or scale the cliff to access the other side. The only other person she’d ever brought here was Cassius, but to be fair, he’d been with her when they’d found it.

She felt Sorin slip an arm around her waist, helping her through the cliff opening and through the small stream. The water was already nearly halfway up her calves. It must be later than she thought.

She had to stop halfway through the cavern and vomit. As she stood panting,making sure she wasn’t going to vomit again, she could have sworn the temperature in the cavern plummeted.

“Shit,” she muttered.

“It is nothing I haven’t seen before on all those runs,” Sorin teased. “Maybe you did need a keeper tonight after all.”

Scarlett looked up at him incredulously to find a small smile on his lips. She reached up to give him a shove, and hopefully knock him into the pool itself, but her hands were coated in frost. She tried to curl them into fists before he saw them, but Sorin grabbed her wrists. He ran his hands over her palms. She jerked her hands from him, her vision swimming again, and stumbled to the other end of the cavern. Sorin followed, reaching to pull the vines aside for her. Before he did though, he asked, “Have you ever thought ofnottaking the tonic? To see what truly happens?”

She stared at him as if he’d just sprouted wings. “Are you out of your mind? Do you see me right now?” Scarlett held up her hands, where frost now coated her fingers too, her nail beds turning blue. She had to be hallucinating because while there appeared to be frost on her hands, she felt like her insides were burning and smoke seemed to be hovering above her fingertips.

“Can I try something?” Sorin asked, running his fingers along her palms again.

“I need to get back,” Scarlett answered, another wave of nausea washing over her. Her head pounded, and she was trembling, whether from the sudden fever or the cold in the cavern, she didn’t know.

“Can you trust me? For just a second?” Sorin insisted, grabbing her right hand. He gently slipped her mother’s ring from her finger, sliding it onto his own. She could have sworn his eyes glowed brighter, and he inhaled deep. “Hold out your hands.”

She did as he commanded, and he gently laid his atop hers. Warmth flooded through her palms, but she also felt herself cool, all at once. She turned to the side, dropping to her knees and vomiting again.

She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Sorin crouched before her, gently lifting her chin to make her look at him. He searched her eyes and Scarlett whispered,“You know what this is, don’t you?”

“No. Not yet, but I have a few ideas,” he answered. “Can you stand?” She nodded her head, and he helped her up. Shadows danced across her vision as he pulled aside the vines, letting her pass, and Scarlett cried out in relief. For before her, running down the beach, came Cassius with her cloak. He skidded to a stop in front of her, sand splaying everywhere, and Scarlett fell into his arms. He tossed the cloak to Sorin to catch her.

“Are you stupid?” he soothed, running his hand along her cheek, through her hair. Scarlett’s entire body was trembling, and Cassius gently lowered her to the sand. “I’ve been searching everywhere for you.” Scarlett could see the panic in his eyes.

“I’m fine, Cass,” she said, bringing her hand to his cheek.

“You’re not,” he snapped. “We need to get you out of here so you can take this tonic. Dammit!” The curse came when Scarlett lurched out of his arms, vomiting onto the ground once more. She was shaking now, impossibly cold. “Give me her cloak.”

She felt the fabric wrap around her, but it did nothing to warm her. Her vision was so blurred now she knew she was going to pass out at any moment. Cassius pulled her back to him, searching her face. “You took him there.”

“I don’t know why,” she whispered.

“I think you do,” he said, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss to her hair.

“You’re still my favorite,” she said, stroking his cheek with her thumb. “Always.”

A faint smile played on his lips. “Maybe not always.”

Unconsciousness dragged her under.