Mikale bristled as Cassius tossed her a wink; and before Mikale could reply, Scarlett crooned, “I find the need to be so well-versed because I have found most men to be so incredibly inadequate.”
Mikale blinked once at her brashness before saying, “Would you not desire a man who would treat you as the gem you are? Who would protect you so you wouldn’t need to do so yourself?”
Scarlett gave a humorless laugh. “I would desire a man who knows I don’t need to be protected. I am not some precious jewel to be kept in the coffers, only to be displayed at galas and ceremonies. I would seek someone who would not keep me in a cage.”
Mikale snickered. “You do know such a luxury is not an option when you become a Lady of the Court,do you not? Maybe you should have considered such a thing before making the choice to become one.” She could see Tava and Drake from the corner of her eye. Drake’s lips were tight as he pretended to adjust his sword belt. Tava’s arms were crossed, her head cocked as she took in the exchange. She sucked in a quick breath at Mikale’s words, waiting to see if Scarlett gave in to the rage that was roiling in her gut. It felt like fire and ice all at once, aching to be unleashed.
“You do know I do not give a damn about such things, do you not?” she responded, faux sweetness sounding in her voice as she struggled to push the rage down, down, down.
A snort of laughter came from Cassius. Mikale glared at him. “You were warned, Lairwood,” Cassius said, an iciness in his tone. “Unless you plan to take this to the sparring ring, I suggest you leave her and her weaponry be. She may live here and be denied her freedom, but she will still make you bleed in the most interesting ways.” The two men stared each other down for a long moment.
Mikale stepped closer to Scarlett and Cassius tensed. “This is not over.”
“It never is,” she replied coldly.
“As delightful as this unexpected power struggle is,” came a male voice from the doorway, “Lord Tyndell requests the presence of his children, and your carriage is here, Lairwood.”
Scarlett turned to see a man leaning against the wall near the building’s entrance. She hadn’t realized there was anyone else with them. When had he come in? Had he seen her sparring?
The man was tall, taller than any of the other men in the room, with broad muscled, well, everything. He wore a tunic of blue and grey with the golden crest of Windonelle embroidered on it. A member of the king’s army then, and high ranking if he was walking freely around the Tyndell Estate. His golden eyes were fixed on her, even though he spoke to the others in the room, his head slightly to the side as if perplexed, and a lock of his dark hair tumbled over his brow. Had she seen him around the manor before? She thought she might know him from somewhere, but wasn’t sure where. She certainly could have seen him around. People were always coming and going from the Lord’s house.She hadn’t cared to learn who they were. Hell, she scarcely remembered her first six months of living here.
“Are you coming, Scarlett?” Tava asked, turning to leave the quarters.
“I need to speak with Cassius for a moment,” she answered. She held the gaze of the man who spoke, his eyes still on her. “He will escort me back.”
Tava nodded and turned to leave with Drake. Mikale moved to follow them. Looking back over his shoulder, he said, “Until next time, my pet.”
“Tell Prince Callan I said hello,” Scarlett retorted, her eyes narrowing as she met his dark eyes. “Of course, then you’d have to explain how you know me.” Mikale stopped short, glaring at her. She smiled back with poisoned sweetness.
“Careful, Lady,” Mikale said, his voice dangerous and low. “Someone found your mother. It would be a shame for others to befall the same fate, but I suppose that has already happened, hasn’t it?”
“Mind your company, Lairwood,” Cassius growled, stepping in front of Scarlett.
Mikale merely sneered and pushed past Drake and Tava as he left the training barracks.
When Drake and Tava had left, she turned back to Cassius. “You are not seriously suggesting that I say no to this assignment, are you? When that will be my prize?”
“Hush, Scarlett. We are not alone,” Cassius said, glancing pointedly over her shoulder.
She whirled to find the man still leaning against the wall, studying her. “Do you need something?” she snarled. The man raised his brows at her address. She heard Cassius say her name in warning yet again, but she crossed her arms and glared at the man. “Do you not speak? Or do you need a treat to entice you?”
A small, amused smile curled on the man’s lips. “That would depend on what type of treat you are offering me, Lady.”
Scarlett’s lips pursed in a cool, unimpressed glare. “I may look the part, but I am no Lady.”
“I could tell that by the way you handle a sword,” he answered. He had a slight accent that she couldn’t quite place. She’d been to all three of the kingdoms on more than one occasion, but it didn’t seem to fit any of them. His eyes dragged up and down her body and then he added, “While in a dress of all things.”
“I’m not sure why I need to keep explaining this to people today, but you’d be amazed at the things one can accomplish while in a dress,” Scarlett answered dryly.
“I will have to take your word for it…Lady,” he replied. There was a slight glimmer in his eyes as he watched her.
“Cassius, who is this prick?” she snapped.
Cassius let out a loud, exasperated sigh. “Captain Renwell. He trains one of the units of the Lord’s armies.”
He trains them? Interesting.
“I can see the admiration in your eyes,” the Captain quipped.