Page 30 of Lady of Darkness

She could only watch as he dropped the dagger to the floor. His hold held on her wrist as he dipped his fingers into his blood running down his arm. Then he brought those fingers to her own blood pooling in her hand. He swirled them together as if he were mixing paints.

“Forget what?” she finally managed to say.

He paused, meeting her gaze once more. That small amused smile was back. His eyes locked on hers, he traced a pattern onto her forearm. An upside-down triangle with three stars below it. Then he brought those fingers to his lips and sucked the remaining blood from them. His eyes fluttered closed, as if the taste was the most decadent thing he’d ever tasted.

“Forget what?” she demanded again.

His eyes cracked open, and he brought his face an inch from hers. “That a siren’s call draws unexpected attention.”

Then the woman’s screams began again. And this time, the word, thename, she screamed was crystal clear.




“Renwell? Are you going to join us?” Drake asked, snapping Sorin from his thoughts.

“Yeah. Sure. I do not have anything else to tend to tonight,” Sorin answered, not even knowing what he’d just committed to. It had been an effort to stay focused on dinner conversation as Lord Tyndell had handed out assignments for the week. The ride back with Scarlett had been…interesting. She had been different. Everything from how she had prowled out of the woods to her affection for the horse to her clever questions.

Then there had been the feel of her leaning against him while they’d ridden. He had teased her about knowing methods of distraction, butshehad distracted him so much, he could hardly focus on her questions and how carefully he’d needed to answer them. All of it— from her back against his chest to her silver hair brushing his cheek when she turned to look at him to her icy blue eyes seeming to flare in surprise at his answers— had distracted him.

She was so godsdamned unexpected in the disaster this task had become. But she knew now. She knew his name was not Ryker, and he wondered who she would tell or if she would keep it a secret.Inexplicably, he wasn’t as worried about it as he probably should be. He’d wanted to hear his real name on her lips for weeks now, ever since they had started training.

When they were still a few blocks away, Scarlett had told him she couldn’t be seen riding onto the grounds with him. She had slipped from the saddle with the grace of a feline, and before he could protest, she had disappeared into the trees. How and when she’d gotten back to the manor, he didn’t know.

He stood in the foyer with Drake, Cassius, Mikale, Nevin Swanson, and a handful of other commanders. They had just finished the meeting with Lord Tyndell. Tava and Scarlett usually joined them at the weekly dinner, but then left at the end of the meal before business was discussed. Tava had reported to them all that Scarlett was not feeling well and was in her room resting. Sorin knew she had been planning to nap before going off to whatever obligation she had that evening. He hadn’t missed the look Cassius had thrown at Tava, worry in his eyes. He was still trying to figure out what the relationship was between him and Scarlett. They were clearly close, but anytime he brought up them being intimate, it brought about such fury in her he didn’t know what to make of it.

“We can finally celebrate that promotion, General,” Drake said, clapping him on the shoulder.

“Lord Tyndell has kept you quite busy with that new title,” Mikale added, a slight sneer to his tone. “We rarely see you outside of the castle these days.”

Sorin stared at Mikale and said coolly, “Higher rank, more responsibilities.”

The two glared at each other, a mutual dislike tangible between them. He found the Lordling spoiled and pretentious. Mikale also clearly wanted Scarlett for his own. He had not even tried to hide his desire for her that day in the yard outside the training quarters. She clearly did not return the sentiment.

“Who knew some of those responsibilities included tending to the Lord’s household members?” Mikale growled.

“That is enough,” Drake said, pure command rang in his voice.“Not only are you outranked by more than one here, you stand inmyhouse, Lairwood. Show some damn respect.”

“My apologies,” Mikale seethed through gritted teeth.

“Pull your shit together or go home,” was all Drake said as he brushed past him and strode for the door. Sorin made to follow, but a woman’s voice at the top of the stairs had them all turning.

“Cassius!” Tava called. She hurtled down the stairs, nearly tripping on her skirts. Drake was at the bottom of the staircase in a heartbeat, catching his sister by her shoulders.

“Tava? What is wrong?” Drake asked, scanning her for any sign of injury. “Are you all right?”

“I am fine,” she said, panic in her ocean blue eyes. She looked over Drake’s shoulder at Cassius. “Scarlett. She is…not well.”

“Then call for a healer,” Mikale said, pushing forward. Sorin could have sworn he saw slight panic enter his eyes as well. He felt his blood heat at the bastard acting like he actually cared. Where had this protectiveness come from?

“Did you call for Mora?” Drake asked, still holding Tava’s shoulders, but her eyes were locked on Cassius. “Tava?”

Drake shook his sister’s shoulders gently to try to regain her attention, but she shrugged out of them and went to Cassius. It was taking all of Sorin’s willpower not to race up the stairs, but he didn’t know which room was Scarlett’s. Tava stood on her tiptoes, whispering into Cassius’s ear. The Commander’s eyes widened, and he nodded slightly to Tava.

“You guys go,” he said, nodding to Drake. “I’m going to check on Scarlett with Tava and will be along.”