“Do you dream when you are in those deep sleeps?”
“That’s an odd question. You’ve asked four, by the way,” she answered, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.
“You do not have to answer it,” was his only reply.
“I do, but they’re just normal dreams, although longer than an average dream, I suppose,” she shrugged. “Last night I dreamt about the Fae lands.”
“What?” Ryker’s head snapped up. He was looking at her as if she had sprouted a second head.
“I found a book a few months ago. It’s a book about the war with Avonleya, but it also has detailed information about the Fae lands.” Scarlett shrugged again. “Don’t you normally dream about things you’ve read or things that have been going on?”
Ryker’s face had gone back to the usual unreadable mask. “It sounds like an interesting book. I would like to see it.”
“I didn’t know you were a reader,” Scarlett replied, raising an eyebrow.
“It is just as important to train your mind as it is to train your body.”
“That’s the take of a warrior on reading,” Scarlett scoffed, pulling the string from her braid and shaking out her long hair.
“And what is the take of reading for you,Lady?” he asked, watching her carefully.
Scarlett paused the raking of her fingers through her strands. “It’s an escape. It gives me someplace to go when I have to stay where I am.”
Ryker reached for her hand, and Scarlett went still, barely breathing. Her hand felt small wrapped in his giant one. His calluses were rough against her own. Scarlett swallowed, not sure what to say, but Ryker spoke first. “You are not as alone as you think you are.”
“What makes you think I am alone? I have plenty of people who care for me.”
“Yes, but you can be around people and still feel alone. You can feel alone in life, even when you have people you love and who love you in return.”
Tears burned at the back of her eyes, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. She felt him tense slightly, but they sat silently in the dim room against the wall. She was alone, even with Cassius and Nuri and Tava in her life. They all knew where their life was going. They all had purpose. And her? She was just drifting along, like ashes in the wind, trying to get her feet under her in whatever she was supposed to be doing. She’d had purpose once, but now she had no idea what she was doing. She didn’t even know who she was any more.
After several minutes, when Scarlett had blinked the tears back and had swallowed the lump in her throat, she said quietly, “I am alone, though. One day they will leave. Cassius. Drake. Tava. And —” Scarlett stopped before she said Nuri’s name. “One day, everyone will leave. And one day, I’ll find my way out, too, because I’m not supposed to be here. Not really.” She paused as a single tear managed to escape and slide down her cheek. She wiped it away and said, more to herself than Ryker, “Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be, but in the end I’ve found being alone isn’t really all that bad. Not when there are moments like this in between the being alone.”
They were both silent again, and Scarlett found herself torn between knowing she really needed to go take her tonic and wanting to drag this moment out just a little longer. She found herself unexpectedly comfortable in his presence. Likely because he was a welcomed reprieve from the monotony of her days, she supposed.
Finally, she started to stand, but Ryker tightened his hand around hers. His other hand gently gripped her chin as he made her look at him. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders now. His golden eyes seemed to swirl, almost as if flames danced in them.
“I know you will be just fine alone, Scarlett Monrhoe. You are strong and wicked and brilliant.” Scarlett felt heat rush to her face, but he wouldn’t release her chin. He held her gaze and continued,“But maybe, just maybe, alone is not where you are supposed to be either.”
Ryker released her, and Scarlett stood. Before she turned to leave, she looked down at him and said, “You owe me four questions.”
Ryker gave her a half grin. “Don’t waste them.”
“I don’t intend to,” Scarlett answered, and she sauntered out of the room.
There was blood everywhere. On her hands. On her bare torso and legs. Her dagger lay beside her as she hugged the body that had stopped breathing to her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn’t breathe around the sobs.
A cold hand gripped her elbow and hauled her to her feet. She could feel his breath on her neck as he leaned in and whispered into her ear, “This was a reminder, my pet, that should you fail to follow through, I do not.”
Then she was being dragged down a hall to a small, cold office, but another man stepped into view. He was beautiful. There was no other way to describe him. He had shoulder length silver hair and silver eyes that seemed to glow. His muscles rippled as he stepped towards them. The smile that filled his face had her shrinking back into the other man. She instinctively knew that this man was far more dangerous than the one who had just made her—
Scarlett shot up in bed. Her forehead and back were dripping with sweat, her sheets soaking wet.
“Shh, Seastar,” Cassius soothed from the edge of the bed. “Breathe.”
“I can’t,” she gasped.
“I know,” he whispered. She felt Cassius pull her into his arms. His hand began stroking the hair that was matted to her head. He held her tightly as she struggled to get down a breath. She didn’t notice Tava at the bedroom door, her hand at her throat. She didn’t notice the look Tava and Cassius exchanged. Her lungs wouldn’t expand enough to get a full breath down.