Page 148 of Lady of Darkness

“What?” Scarlett asked, her head tilting to the side.

“You would have to bargain with someone else to effectively stop that from happening. I am just carrying out orders on that front.” His smile grew, became colder and crueler.

“Who’s orders?” Scarlett breathed.

Mikale clicked his tongue. “I am not here to divulge information to you. Today’s deal will either save or damn your dear friends. One would think after Juliette, you would be eager to make a deal that does not involve death. Although, should you refuse, I can easily have access to others. What is that darling little blonde girl’s name I had my hands on a year ago? Tula?”

Juliette’s amber eyes flashed in her mind.

“What are the terms?”

“Quite simple, my pet. You agree and willingly accept my marriage proposal, tell Lord Tyndell as much, and I leave your dear friends alone.”

“I will see that Nuri is perfectly fine and watch her release before I will agree to such a thing,” Scarlett answered, lifting her chin.

“That seems acceptable,” Mikale replied indifferently.

“Arrange for Cassius to receive her and consider this deal agreed to.”

“Delightful,” Mikale said. “Come, my pet, I have a carriage waiting for us out front. We have so much to discuss, what with a wedding happening in a few weeks.”

“A few weeks?” Scarlett had felt like she’d been punched in the stomach, the air whooshing from her lungs. She couldn’t draw a full breath. She could hear Sorin commanding her to breathe, but she couldn’t draw the oxygen in. She couldn’t make her lungs expand.

“I knew you would be thrilled,” Mikale said, the smile on his face saying he knew he’d finally won their game. He opened the study door and waited for Scarlett to step to his side. He slung a cloak over her shoulders, allowing him to discreetly grip her elbow hard enough to bruise.

No one had noticed as she’d allowed Mikale to lead her out of the study through the entry and out to the waiting carriage that frosty footprints were left in her wake.She made no scene, said not one word as she’d followed Mikale to the carriage, allowing him to place his hand on the small of her back as they approached.

A footman helped her into the carriage, Mikale climbing in after her. To her surprise, his father was waiting inside, and the look of displeasure on his face had her wondering if she maybe had an ally to fight against this union. Mikale had tried to pass a blanket to her, saying that he had noticed she was freezing to the touch when he’d escorted her out.

“I want nothing from you,” Scarlett had snapped as the carriage lurched into motion.

“Thisis what you want?” Mikale’s father finally spoke, his eyes widening at her tone.

“I swear to you, she will be under control, Father,” Mikale replied coolly, his eyes filling with rage as they fixed on her. “When we arrive home, she and I will have a discussion. I am sure we will reach an understanding.” A knowing smile crossed his lips as he studied Scarlett. Every inch of her.

“You know I am not fond of this union, Mikale—” his Father started.

“You and me both,” Scarlett cut in, scowling at Mikale.

His father cast her an incredulous look before turning back to Mikale and growling, “Get it under control. I will be damned if you allow her to embarrass our family or jeopardize our position in the royal household more than you already have.”

The rest of the carriage ride had been in silence, and she had planned. She’d get the layout of the house as quickly as possible, try to learn the servants’ schedules and changing of any guards. Then there were Nuri and Cassius and the orphans to worry about. She looked up to find Mikale watching her, that knowing smirk on his lips saying he knew exactly what she was thinking. She threw him a vulgar gesture to which his father huffed a laugh of disbelief and stared out the window for the remainder of the ride.

The carriage had dropped Lord Lairwood off at the castle before bringing her and Mikale to the Lairwood Estate. The carriage had gone around back,and she saw Cassius waiting for them. Her stomach dropped. She longed to run to him, to hear him call her Seastar, but she wouldn’t show that weakness in front of Mikale.

Mikale exited the carriage first and reached to help her down. Cassius’s eyes widened when she emerged, and she willed the tears not to come. A guard came from the house, Nuri with him. She was clad in her usual black.

“What is this, Mikale?” Cassius growled, taking a step towards them.

“Stop, Cass,” Scarlett said, her voice ringing with command.

“Scarlett?” he questioned, his eyes on her, but he stopped where he stood.

She turned to Mikale. “I am here. Release her to Cassius.”

Mikale jerked his chin at the guard, and he practically threw Nuri at Cassius. “You will regret this,” Nuri seethed from beneath her hood.

“Oh, I do not think I will,” Mikale answered, his tone annoyed and bored. “Scarlett knows the consequences of such a thing. Don’t you, my pet?”