Page 134 of Lady of Darkness

“Then she will be even more displeased to know what we did in his chambers after we left. Twice,” Scarlett replied with a sneer.

She saw rage flash in Mikale’s eyes. He seemed to take a breath to calm himself, then said tensely, “How unfortunate for you that is.” He crouched before her once more. “This shall be my final offer, Scarlett. Agree to come to my side, let Veda go to Callan, and we all leave here safe and sound.”

“Why do you desire me so much? Because of Callan?”

Mikale laughed humorlessly. “Callan is naïve with visions for this kingdom far too small. He shall learn his idealism will not rule a country soon enough. But you, Scarlett Monrhoe, are indeed beautiful and a rare prize.” He ran his finger lightly along her bare collarbone and down her arm. She fought every urge to jerk away from him. “Imagine what you could be with a little refinement, my pet,” he murmured.

“I am no one’s prize, nor am I anyone’s pet,” she spat at him.

“Imagine what you could be if that darkness were truly unleashed,” he continued, as if she’d said nothing.

“You do not wish to see me unleashed.”

“We shall see about that,” he said with a soft chuckle.

Mikale stood and left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.She looked around the space. It was a cell of some sort in a dungeon. There were no windows in the stone walls. Only a small set of bars on the door. No furniture. Not even a place for her to relieve herself should she need it. The shackles on her ankles prevented her from standing. She scanned the floor, looking for any loose stones or rocks she could crawl to and use as a weapon, but there was nothing.

Mikale returned a few minutes later. Scarlett had managed to maneuver her way against the back wall she now leaned against. The throbbing in her head was growing worse, and she had closed her eyes against the candlelight.

“Open your eyes, my pet. I have something for you.” Mikale’s smooth voice made her blood curdle.

She winced, cracking her eyes open, then they flew wide as she beheld who filed in after him. Cassius, Nuri, Juliette, and a little girl with blond curly hair no older than three. All were in the same shirastone shackles with gags. The little girl had tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes were wide with fear, and behind them was Veda. She strode straight across the room and slapped Scarlett hard across the face.

“Now, now, Veda,” Mikale chided. “She has refused us numerous times tonight. Let us see if her friends can persuade her otherwise.”

“I am told she is quite persuasive,” Veda said, stepping to her brother’s side. “But I think she will find me just as compelling.” Her voice was high and grated on Scarlett’s ears, her cheek burning from the slap. Mikale drew a dagger from his hip, and Veda took it with a smile. She crossed to the others and began walking a slow line in front of them.

“Who should we pick to convince you first,Death’s Maiden?” she purred. “Decisions, decisions.” She stopped in front of Cassius, dragging her dagger lightly along his torso and up to his heart.

“No!” Scarlett cried. “I left him tonight. I left Callan a note on his pillow, telling him I was done seeing him. I swear it. Go ask his guard outside his room. We are done! Do not hurt them!”

Mikale raised a brow at Veda. “Well, sister, would you like to go see if this is true before we continue?”

“Not really. She did leave with him tonight,” Veda replied, her dagger poised over Cassius’s heart.

“Veda, we should at least see if she is telling the truth,” Mikale said calmly.

Veda sighed deep. “Fine. I shall send one of ours to see.” Then, before Scarlett could see it coming, she dropped her arm and thrust the dagger into Cassius’s thigh. He bellowed in pain around his gag as Veda twisted the dagger, digging it in farther.

Scarlett screamed. “I swear it! Do not hurt them any further!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “Lord Lairwood, I swear to you!”

Mikale crossed to her and rubbed her back as if to soothe her. “Time will tell, my pet, time will tell.” He jerked his chin to Veda, and she left the cell, wrenching the dagger from Cassius’s leg. Blood gushed from the wound.

“You need to bind it!” Scarlett cried.

“Let’s discuss my proposal again, shall we?” Mikale said instead.

“Let them go, and we can discuss whatever you wish.”

“I cannot do that,” Mikale said, sounding as if he were indeed sorry about it. “You see, they seem to be my only bargaining chips.”

Scarlett could hardly think around the throbbing in her head. She closed her eyes against the light. “Oh yes, that,” Mikale said, somehow sensing her discomfort. “That is from the counter-tonic I forced you to swallow while you were unconscious. I suspect you will start vomiting within the hour.”

Cassius shouted around his gag, outraged by what he had heard. “How could you possibly know about my tonic?” Scarlett asked, her eyes cracking open once more.

“My dear Scarlett,” he said, cupping her cheek with his hand. “Need I remind you I’ve been watching you? I have had eyes on you for, well, years. Even when I did not know where you were.” Before she could even begin to comprehend that bizarre statement, there was blinding pain as his fist went into her stomach. Cassius bellowed again. Scarlett could not speak around the wind being knocked from her.“Now,” Mikale said, his tone severe, “you need to keep your mouth shut while I explain a few things.”

Tears leaked from Scarlett’s eyes, and she looked at Cassius. His eyes were wide and frantic. Beside him, Nuri was paler than usual. Juliette was focused on the little girl, trying to soothe her as she cried and trembled.