“It would appear he is helping you in more ways than one,” the Assassin Lord sneered. “Tell me, Death’s Maiden, does he know of the prince whose bed you shared a few weeks ago?”
“Yes,” she gasped out, trying to force a breath down.
“And does he know who desires you for his own?”
“It does not matter. He does not desire such things from me so he will not care,” she replied through gritted teeth.
The Lord chuckled again. He stepped towards her and brought a hand to her cheek. She flinched away from his touch. “I raised you, Scarlett. And while I know you did not parade boys and men through your bed like your sisters did, I know you are not that naïve.”
“Is this why you left your little sanctuary? To question me about the general and his intentions for me?” she snarled.
The Assassin Lord sighed. “This godsdamned mouth of yours.It shall serve you well when you finally accept your place, but you would do well to remember your manners, child.”
“Unless you have come to me to tell me we are finally seeking retribution for Juliette’s death, you can fuck off,” Scarlett spat.
This time it was not a fist that connected with her stomach, but a knee to her ribs. Then a kick to the back of her legs had her kneeling before the Lord. The men were no longer holding her arms, but there was a dagger pressed to her back and a hand gripping her shoulder. The Assassin Lord crouched before her, lifting her chin. She stared into the darkness of his hood. “I know that you will endure any physical punishment I bestow upon you, but should you speak to me like that again, those archers will release their arrows, and we both know they are not trained on you. Do we understand each other?”
“Yes,” Scarlett gasped out, forcing air into her lungs.
“What was that?” the Lord crooned.
“Yes,” she hissed from between her teeth. “I understand, my Lord.”
“The thing is,” the Lord said, standing once more. “I am beginning to question your comprehension skills. The last discussion we had you said you also understood, and yet I find your target is still alive. Was I unclear on who your target is or what is expected of you?”
“No, my Lord,” Each breath she got down radiated pain down her side.
“And was I unclear as to what would happen if you did not complete your assignment that youwillinglyaccepted?”
“No, my Lord.”
“Then why the fuck is it not completed?”Scarlett flinched at the voice of the Assassin Lord. That voice promised more pain and violence if she did not answer correctly. He wasn’t done yet, though. “Explain to me why I had to track you down to find out why a paying job has not been completed. Explain to me why this is not taken care of and you are not back home where you fucking belong. Explain to me why you are bringing fucking strangers into my godsdamn Syndicate.”
When she did not answer, the sound of the slap across her face was like thunder in the silent street. The growl that emanated from Sorin had her flinging out her hand. “Donotfucking move, General.”
With a flick of the Assassin Lord’s wrist, she was being hauled roughly to her feet. A hand came around her waist as the Lord tugged her to him. His other hand gripped her hair, pulling her head back sharply so that his next words were whispered directly into her ear. “Finish this, Scarlett. Finish this and come home. Or I shall finish it for you, and you shall find yourself the property of another.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek and then he shoved her away from him. Scarlett stumbled back, her ribs burning. In less than ten seconds, the Assassin Lord, the men, and the archers were gone. Sorin was instantly before her, his hands on her face and his eyes searching hers.
“Are you all right?”
“I am fine, Sorin,” she answered quietly, fighting a grimace.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here before I track that bastard down and kill him slowly,” he growled, reaching for her hand.
Scarlett dug in her heels. “We cannot leave this spot for five minutes.”
“Why not?” Sorin asked incredulously.
“To ensure exactly what you just said you wanted to do doesn’t happen,” she whispered. “Should we leave this spot before five minutes is up, we will find black ashwood arrows in our throats.”
Sorin swore. “Did this happen because you brought me here?”
“No,” she answered. “This happened because I have been defying him for the last year, and he has had enough.”
Without a word, Sorin reached over and pulled her hood back up over her hair. Then his arms came around her, and being careful of her abdomen, he stepped into her. He guided her head to his shoulder, and she slowly brought her own arms around his waist. They said nothing as he held her in the shadows of that side street until they could leave.