Page 81 of Lady of Darkness

And immediately regretted it as the room spun slightly.

She closed her eyes, drawing her knees up and resting her forehead against them. “Easy, Seastar. I’m here,” a familiar voice soothed. She felt Cassius’s hand on her back making soft, calming strokes. After a moment and a few deep breaths to calm her nausea, she opened her eyes again and slowly looked around the room.

It was dim with the curtains drawn over the window. The little bit of light that filtered in told her it was either dusk or dawn. She was in a large bed that was nearly as comfortable as her own. A heavy navy blue quilt covered her. Cassius was laying beside her. On the wall to her left was a dresser with six drawers.Next to it was a walk-in closet and across the room was a door that led to what she guessed was a bathing room.

“Where is here?” she asked, her eyes settling on Cassius. He was in brown pants and an open button-down shirt revealing his muscled chest and torso.

He put his hands behind his head and said, “Sorin’s apartment. More specifically his bedroom.”

“What?” Scarlett asked, her brows arching in surprise. She looked around the room again. She should have guessed at the scent of ashes, cloves, and cedar that hung in the air. There were no personal effects around the room though. “Why are we here?”

“It was too far to take you back to the manor so we brought you here after the party,” Cassius explained. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I would expect to be feeling, I suppose,” she muttered. “Is Sorin here?”

“He’s out in the main room,” Cassius said, with a nod to the closed door. “Nuri has been staying here during the day with Sorin or I checking in on you. At night, we’ve been here.”

“And right now it is?”

“Night. The sun is nearly set.”

“I had a dream,” she said quietly.

“The same ones you’ve been having?”

“No. This one was…not that,” she whispered.

“Ah,” was all Cassius had to say as he sat up and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his side. She nestled into his chest.

They were quiet for a moment before Scarlett said, “You should take me to the manor.”


“What? No. You need to take me back tonight,” Scarlett argued, sitting up once more.

“Not tonight. Prince Callan is coming tomorrow evening. You need to stay here so you are not seen arriving the same evening he does. Also, you need to talk to Sorin,” Cassius said gently.

“I don’t want to talk to Sorin,” Scarlett snapped, swinging her legs over the bed to stand.Her knees wobbled slightly, but there was no way she was staying here another night.

Cassius was by her side in an instant with a steadying hand on her elbow. “You had no trouble talking to him the night of the party,” he teased. “You even took him to the sea star beach.”

“I’m not drunk on wine tonight,” Scarlett scowled.

“You cannot go back to the manor tonight, Scarlett,” Cassius said. “We cannot risk it, and you know that. The castle was risk enough. The Fates were on our side in this one.”

“I can sneak back in undetected,” Scarlett argued.

“It’s not safe there for you right now. Besides, as much as Sorin loves that dress, you smell.”

Scarlett looked down to find herself still in the red dress she’d worn to the party. Cassius was right. She could smell herself. She sighed. “I’ll take a bath, but I’m not talking to Sorin. I’ll just stay in here until Callan arrives tomorrow.”

“You need to talk to Sorin,” Cassius said again, leaving her side and heading to the bathing room. Scarlett followed him as he turned the knobs on the tub to begin drawing her a bath.

“Why?” Scarlett demanded, her hands going to her hips.

“Because he holds answers for you.”

“He told you? About me?” Scarlett’s voice was soft, quiet. Why was he telling anyone but her?