“So many questions,” he said, his gaze sweeping over her body, assessing for more injuries. “Are you using your four?”
“No,” she said quickly, glaring at him. Then she turned and lifted her foot to the stirrup.
“What are you doing?”
“I may know shortcuts, Captain, but you have my favorite horse. I think I shall ride back to the manor.”
“You are commandeering my horse?” he asked, his brows snapping up in surprise.
“No,” she said with a grin. “I’m going to ride back with you.” She swung herself gracefully up and into the saddle, sliding forward to leave room for him behind her.
“You cannot be serious,” Sorin said, studying her.
“I don’t see how anything I’ve said or done would imply that I am kidding,” she said. “On the way, you can tell me who that woman is.”
“Or you can tell me about your nightmares,” he retorted.
Scarlett’s lips thinned at his suggestion, and he smirked in satisfaction. He closed the distance between him and the horse and easily swung up behind her. She slid back, her hips nestling between his thighs, and she felt him stiffen as the contact sent a jolt through her entire body. “Are you sure you want to ride back?” he questioned.
“Of course,” she said, relaxing slightly. “I’ll just throw you off if you annoy me.”
Sorin huffed a laugh. “I’m sure you will.” He took the reins from her hands and nudged the horse forward in an easy walk along the path. They rode in silence for several minutes, and all she could focus on was how her back rested gently against his chest.
“What is his name then?” Sorin asked.
“Whose name?” she asked, pulling her thoughts from the wall of muscles at her back.
“The horse. You said he was your favorite. What is his name?”
“Eirwen,” she answered.
They fell silent again, and she found herself relaxing and settling into him even more as they rode. After several more minutes he said, “One would think you had fallen asleep, Lady.”
“Call me that one more time, and I will seriously knock you off this horse and leave your ass to walk back to wherever you’re going,” she murmured.
Sorin chuckled. “I am going back to the manor. I have the weekly assignment dinner. You and Lady Tava are usually at the dinners,” he replied.
“Yes, but I will not be there tonight. I had another obligation come up this evening,” she answered quietly.
“I thought you were going to sleep.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I plan to take a nap when we get back as my obligation will run later into the night.”
“And your tonic?”
“Is also none of your concern.”
“I have shared some pretty big truths with you today. I am not entitled to any in return?”he asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
A small grin spread across her own lips as she replied, “Your consort seemed upset with you. Trouble in paradise?”
“Refer to her as my lover one more time, and I will knockyourass from this horse,” he ground out.
She laughed, and it felt strange to do so. She couldn’t remember the last time she had genuinely laughed. “Fair enough, Captain.”
“It is General now,” he said casually.
“What?” Everything he said apparently seemed to elicit that response this afternoon. She twisted to see his face.