She screamed in anguish, and her shadows swarmed the vampyre. He dropped her as he cried out, but his screams were cut off when the shadows tightened around his throat, cutting off air. They lifted the vampyre off his feet and into the air, then slammed him to the ground as Scarlett’s vision began to swim. Her hands were clamped to the wound, and her blood gushed out from around the dagger still embedded in her side. A metallic taste coated her mouth as she dropped to her knees.
There was a flash and a circle of flames surrounded her. A moment later, Sorin burst through them, dropping down beside her. He guided her down onto her back.
“Pull them back, Love,” he panted. She started to move her hands, but he stopped her. “Your shadows. Pull back your shadows. Cyrus will finish him.”
Scarlett lifted her head and looked over to see the male circling around the vampyre that her shadows had completely encased. She drew in a shaky breath, letting her head fall back. Sorin’s hand was there to catch it before it hit the ground.
“Give me the ring, Eliza!” Scarlett could hear panic in Sorin’s voice as he shouted. She’d never heard him sound like that before. “I need to pull the dagger out, Love,” he said, bringing his face close to hers.
Was it still in her?
She screamed as he slid it free. Then she felt his hands putting pressure on the wound. Boots landed beside them, and a horse swam in her vision. Eliza had slid from the horse Rayner had been on. “Let’s get her across the border and then we can portal her to Beatrix.”
“There is not time,” Sorin snarled. “Give me the ring.”
His hand left her wound for a moment, and then his hands were on her face, her own blood smearing there from his palms. She tasted ash and smoke in her throat, mixing with the metallic taste of her blood. A warm pressure pulsed against her side, and she recognized the feel of Sorin’s magic holding her wound together, but this time it did little to dull her pain.
“Stay with me, Love,” he said. She could swear there were tears glimmering in his eyes.
“Get on the horse, Sorin. We will hand her up to you,” someone was saying to him. She saw hands grip his shoulders and pull him from her, and she tried to reach for him. A moment later, strong arms were scooping her off the ground. He had golden eyes like Sorin’s.
“Hi,” Scarlett whispered.
“Hi, Darling,” he answered, a corner of his lips kicking up. The dark was calling to her, and she started to close her eyes, but he spoke again. “No, don’t do that. He’s ready for you.”
Then she was being passed to someone else, and ash and cedar filled her nose.She nestled into his chest, leaning her head against his shoulder, and Sorin met her eyes. “Hey, Love.”
She tried to smile, but her face felt numb. She whimpered as they began moving and the jostling of the horse had a wave of nausea rushing through her. She was tired. She just needed to sleep for a bit.
“No. No, Scarlett, keep your eyes on me.” The crack in his voice tugged at her chest, and she forced her eyes open wider. “Good. Stay with me. We are here. We are home.”
“Hand her to me, Sorin.” She was handed back to the same male. “Eliza will take the horses to the stables. Rayner went to get Beatrix. They’ll meet us in your rooms.”
Scarlett felt pulses of heat, but another familiar voice floated over, full of panic.
“Let me see her!”
“Do not let him near her,” she heard Sorin snarl.
There was swearing and then she heard Sloan saying, “We’re in the Fire Court now, Cal. They’re all going to have fire magic. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Scarlett lifted her head to see a dagger of flames at Callan’s throat.
“Don’t,” she rasped. “Don’t hurt the prince.”
“The prince? Why would I hurt the prince, Darling?”
“Not the prince you are thinking of, Cyrus,” Sorin said as she was passed back to his arms. “Bring them through the portal.”
“Where are we going?” Scarlett whispered, looking up into his eyes. The shadows that encircled her curled around his arms and ears, and they looked different, she realized. These shadows were embracing him, loving him, caressing him.
“To find the stars,” were the only words he said as he held her tighter to his chest.
“Yeah, Love?”