Page 156 of Lady of Darkness

The soup course was filled with idle chatter and was a touch awkward with forced conversation. Scarlett hardly spoke. She just watched them all intently…and studied Veda as if she were planning to show her precisely why she was called Death’s Maiden. She didn’t even pick up her spoon.

“How did you two meet then?” Callan asked, as they began their second course. “That must be an interesting tale, seeing as how quickly this came about?”He cut his meat and took a bite of the glazed beef.

“Oh, please let me tell him,” Scarlett said, her eyes going to Mikale. Her food again remained untouched before her. “I’m sure I would tell it much better than you would,Lordling. I don’t think you are prepared to tell such a tale.”

Callan did not miss how Mikale’s grip tightened on his fork at her sudden interest in being part of the conversation. “Of course, mypet.”

“We met at a feast a little over a year ago. He knocked the wind right out of me,” Scarlett said sweetly. Mikale tensed beside her, and Veda coughed, choking on her water.

“Sorry,” Veda muttered, taking another drink. “I swallowed wrong.”

Mikale was glaring at her across the table.

“I had just come to live with Lord Tyndell and was invited to attend the feast with them. Naturally, I was excited. I had never attended such a thing because of where I grew up, although I’d visited the castle numerous times before that night.” Everyone at the table seemed to be holding their breath as she paused to look at Cassius. “Cassius had left me on the dance floor to get me a drink. Like I said, my friends are incredibly rude.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as she said it.

“Alas, how many times do I need to apologize, Seastar? But it appears my leaving you to dance alone worked out one time,” he said casually, taking the bottle of wine before him and refilling her glass.

Her eyes changed, just for a moment, softening slightly. Callan could swear the shadows broke apart just a touch. “That it did. Because he found me.”

“And he’s replaced me as your favorite,” Cassius said, never taking his eyes from hers.

“He knows many of my secrets. Even some I kept from you,” she said.

“You know he will not leave you behind, right? That he will come for you,” Cassius replied.

“Yes, yes,” Mikale cut in, gripping Scarlett’s hand. Callan watched as her eyes became hard again, and the shadows reappeared around her, slithering down her arm, wrapping around the hand Mikale now held. “I found her all alone on the dance floor, looking around helplessly. I asked her to dance. I did not see her again until that dinner at Lord Tyndell’s early this spring. I know it seems fast, but we have been seeing each other in secret since then. She was so worried my father would not approve because of her upbringing, but one cannot fight true love.”

“No, one cannot,” Scarlett said, smiling. “Although one can certainly try to break and cage it.” She lifted her glass back to her lips and batted those lashes again at Mikale.

“Well, that is an interesting story indeed,” Veda said. “I am so excited to have you as part of the family, Scarlett.”

Callan did actually wince when Scarlett’s gaze became fixed on Veda. Her smile widened as she set her glass down once more. “Me too, Veda. I don’t have any sisters by blood, but I do have sisters of my own choosing. We grew up together. Once we started a wildfire and let it burn just for fun.” There was a long pause of awkward silence before she added, “Figuratively, of course.”

“Of course,” Veda said weakly.


Scarlett allowed her wine glass to be filled by the servant yet again. She was still seated at the table as a dessert course was placed before her. She had not touched her dinner. She had not taken a single bite of the soup or roasted meats or vegetables or bread. The crumb cake would be no different. Mikale and Veda had steered and controlled the remainder of the dinner conversation, intercepting any questions that were addressed to her. Veda was trying far too hard and appearing way too interested in everything Callan said.When Callan would glance at Scarlett, he looked as if he were seeing her for the first time. She supposed the shadows didn’t help. Cassius was casual beside her, never touching her, but would glance sidelong at her often. Tava had been marvelous. She didn’t know the girl could act so well.

She had stopped listening long ago, though. Her attention had become fixed on Sloan and Finn, who stood by the door. They had clearly been here numerous times, seeing as they were relaxed and chatting with some Lairwood guards. She needed to talk to them. She needed to warn them of the threat against Callan, but Mikale was watching her every move.

She had nearly fallen out of her chair when Cassius had sat down beside her. Mikale had been none too pleased either. Cassius had quickly scanned her while she had propped her head on a fist, studying his eyes. “You have shadows all around you,” he whispered, holding his glass out to be filled.

“Yes, everyone seems very worried about them,” she had replied, moving her finger along the rim of her goblet, focusing on the feel of it beneath her finger.

“What are they?”

“I don’t know. Pieces of my soul, maybe?”

“What is he doing to you?” She had seen it. His impulse to reach for her. He practically trembled with the restraint to keep from doing so. She hadn’t seen him since their fight at Sorin’s, and those words still hung between them.

“Whatever he wants to do, I suppose. Nuri is safe?”

“Nuri is fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “She wants to tear this whole godsdamn house to the ground to get you out.” A beat of silence before he said quietly, “Seastar, about what was said between us the other night—”

“Did he go home?” she asked suddenly.

But then Mikale had announced dinner, and their conversation had ceased. Mikale had come to her side, and their game had resumed. But Cassius’s later words now swirled in her mind.