Page 152 of Lady of Darkness

“You have news?” Sorin asked, bracing himself for what he was about to hear.

“We have received an invitation from the Lairwood house,” Tava replied. She held a piece of paper out to Sorin.

He took it from her and read:

Lord Tyndell and Family,

We invite you to join us for a dinner celebration of my impending marriage to Miss Scarlett Monrhoe. The Crown Prince shall be in attendance along with my sister, Veda. Scarlett wishes to personally thank you for your hospitality this last year.

Best Regards— Mikale Lairwood

Cassius jerked the paper from his hand, and he heard him suck in a breath. “What is he up to now?”

“He has invited the Crown Prince? Callan will not handle this well,” Nuri said, her voice solemn.

“No,” Sorin ground out. “I doubt he will, but maybe that is the purpose? To pave a way for Veda to provide comfort so he will not interfere with Mikale’s plans for her.”

Silence fell in the small room. He could hear the patrons of the establishment talking and laughing over their meals. Sorin absentmindedly began rolling flames between his fingers, pacing the room. He still hadn’t quite figured out how exactly he was going to get to her in the house once they figured out where she was being kept.

“She told you? Of the night this all started?” Nuri asked now, pushing off the wall. Her voice was full of a tentative curiosity as she came to stand beside Cassius.

“Yes,” Sorin answered, not pausing his pacing.

“When?” Cassius demanded.

His tone finally made Sorin stop and turn to them. They were both staring at him, disbelief on their faces. “The evening before Mikale called on her. When she declined your invitation to escort her home,” he answered slowly.

“Did she tell you everything?” Nuri pressed.

“I believe so. Although I wouldn’t exactly know if she had omitted anything, would I?” Sorin asked. Nuri seemed to be bouncing on the balls of her feet, exchanging glances with Cassius. “Was she not supposed to tell me?”

Cassius swallowed. “She has never,never, spoken of that night to anyone, other than vague references. The only things we know are what we saw and heard. She refused to even tell the Council all the details, despite their methods of retrieving information. Only that she had been forced to choose between Juliette and the child. None of us know what happened after she left the feast with Callan, how she was captured and bound, what Mikale did when we left… How did you get her to tell you?”

“She did so of her own accord,” Sorin answered sharply. “She volunteered the information. I did not coerce her if that is what you are asking.”

“Bullshit,” Nuri said. “I’ve tried for a year to get her to speak of that night. So has Cassius. We all have. To get her to deal with the things she’s repressed for months.” When Sorin didn’t say anything, Nuri said softly, “You are truly hers, aren’t you?” A knowing smile spread across her lips.

“What are you talking about?” Cassius said, now looking between him and Nuri.

“A twin flame indeed,” Nuri whispered under her breath.

“How do you know that term?” Sorin asked quietly, his brows rising in surprise.

“All those things I’m privy to. Remember…General?” she said with a sly grin.

A startled cry broke the silence, and Sorin looked up to find Tava with her hand over her mouth, staring wide-eyed behind him. He looked over his shoulder to where a large red bird hovered outside the window. Amaré.

Sorin quickly walked to the window and let the bird inside, having summoned him with their connection a few minutes ago. Amaré settled on his shoulder with an affectionate nip at his ear. “I have one more task for you, my Friend.” Amaré cooed softly in response.

Drake cleared his throat. “I am not sure what to ask about here…”

Sorin looked up. “Sorry. This is Amaré. He is a phoenix, and my spirit animal.”

“Spirit animal,” Cassius said, not as a question but as an unbelieving statement.

“I do not know how else to describe him,” Sorin replied, annoyed. “I also do not have the time to explain everything, so here is the short version. I am one of the most powerful Fae in the Courts. As someone with my power, I have a kindred animal who can cross the spiritual planes. Amaré is that animal.”

“The spiritual planes?” Tava asked, confusion written on her face.