Page 144 of Lady of Darkness

Scarlett heard the bedroom door open and shut gently. Still kneeling before the toilet, she heaved herself to her feet, yelling to the bedroom, “Tava, I need a minute. Please go and I’ll—”

But it wasn’t Tava who appeared in the washroom doorway.

“Sorry I did not knock,” Sorin said, taking in her appearance.

“It’s your room. I suppose you wouldn’t need to knock,” Scarlett answered, shrugging her shoulders. She walked to the sink and used a cup to rinse the vomit taste from her mouth.

“Are you…” Sorin trailed off, seeming to not know what to say.

“Am I what?” Scarlett asked calmly, gathering up the hairbrush, hair pins, and various other toiletry items that Tava had sent for her. She pushed past Sorin into the bedroom. Dumping the items onto the bed, she turned, looking around the room for the leather bag Tava had brought the items in.

“What are you doing?” Sorin asked, tracking her movements around the room.

“What does it look like I am doing? I’m packing my things,” she answered,finding the bag resting in a chair. She tossed the toiletry items into it, then gently placed the folded red gown in as well.

“I can see you are packing your things,” Sorin growled in annoyance. “I mean, what are you going todo?”

“I’m going to go back to the manor and see Mikale,” Scarlett answered. She moved to the door to go retrieve the peach atrocity that Tava had brought her, which was still in the other bedroom.

“You cannot be serious?” Sorin said, trailing behind her.

“It would be rude of me to not be there.”

“When have you ever given a fuck about being rude?” Sorin demanded. “This entire time I have known you—”

Scarlett whirled on him. “Oh, these past few months that you have known me? You think youknowme now?”

“I would say I know you better than most,” Sorin countered, ire lacing his words.

“Grow up,” Scarlett said, rolling her eyes. “What do you care anyway? You’re goinghome,remember?” She turned to continue into the spare bedroom, reaching for the doorknob, but quickly pulled her hand back when it was too hot to touch.

“Are you serious right now?” she asked, giving Sorin a look of pure irritation. Sorin didn’t move. He was studying her, clearly trying to decide what to say or do. “Oh, forget it,” Scarlett snarled. “That dress is hideous anyway. I’ll sneak back into the manor in this. I’ll have your clothing washed and returned to you.”

Scarlett began heading to Sorin’s bedroom again, but he blocked her path. Her anger was quickly rising to the surface. Sorin still had not moved, but was just watching her, which made her even more furious.

“Let me get my things,” she growled through gritted teeth.

Finally Sorin asked, “What are you going to do?”

“What would you like me to do?” Scarlett countered, crossing her arms across her chest, leveling a wicked glare at him.

Sorin stalked over to her until he was nearly toe-to-toe. She had to look up to see his face. He gripped her shoulders and said, his voice steely calm, “First, I want you to react. Then I want you to fight.”

Scarlett stared at him, a sneer on her lips. “You want me to react?”

“Yes, Scarlett. I want you to show some godsdamn emotion that you are about to be given to a bastard. Some emotion to the fact that you know he is going to force you into something. Some type of emotion other than going into shock for a few minutes, vomiting, and then shoving any type of feeling down so deep you are numb. Why the fuck would the Assassin Lord order Cassius not to intervene?”

Scarlett continued to level a cool stare at him. “How exactly would you like me to react? Would you prefer sobbing hysterically or trembling with terror? Would you prefer me turn into a wraith of wrath or a Fae bitch unable to control her magic?”

“Any of those would be preferable over this, but I would say the last two options would be your best bet,” Sorin sneered, his tone as cool as her stare. “You did not answer my question. Why would the Assassin Lord order Cassius not to intervene?”

“Let me get my things, Sorin. I need to get back to the manor,” she said, trying to shove past him.

“No. Answer my question.”

“You are not my keeper,General,” Scarlett spat. “I will send for my things.” Scarlett turned on her heel and made her way to the door. The doorknob glowed red hot as she reached for it.

“You are a prick,” she snarled. “You cannot keep me here in a cage.”