Page 105 of Lady of Darkness

“Anything else?” she asked, her voice like ice.

Callan shook his head. She started to stride for the closed door, sliding her shirastone dagger from her weapons belt, but paused when he said, “You—” She turned, looking over her shoulder. His face had drained of color as he looked her up and down.“You are one of the Wraiths of Death.”

In all her time spent with the prince, she had been so careful to keep that detail from him. He had never seen her so unleashed. He had never seen her give into the calm rage filling her veins. A rage that was darkness itself.

“Yes, Prince,” she purred as she wrenched open the door. “Thisis what slept next to you all those nights. Now decide if it was brave or stupid.”

She stormed out of the bathing room and through the bedroom door. He had used her. Sorin had wormed his way into her life somehow. He had gained her trust, and she had told him so damn much. She practically handed the orphans over wrapped with a godsdamn bow.

There was also the splitting ache in her chest that she was adamantly shoving down as she entered the great room. Sorin, Cassius, and Nuri all turned to face her and froze at the rage written all over her body.

“Scarlett,” Cassius said slowly, noting her palmed dagger.

“Not Scarlett,” she said derisively. “Not tonight.”

“Where is Prince Callan?” Cassius asked, worry filling his voice.

“I am fine,” he said, emerging from the room. He did not come to her side. He stayed behind her, against the wall.

“Cassius,” Scarlett said, her voice barely a whisper of controlled wrath. “Take Callan down to Finn. Then I suggest returning. We’ll wait.” Her eyes were fixed on Sorin, who was watching her curiously. When no one moved, she said quietly, venom dripping from every word, “I am not in the mood to repeat myself tonight.”

“Scarlett—” Cassius said again.

“That was an order,” Nuri cut in. Even her eyes darted over Scarlett with wary regard.

Callan stepped to her side. He bent down and whispered into her ear, “I am sorry.”

She turned to him, bringing her free hand to his chest, and pressed a kiss to his mouth, murmuring onto his lips, “I shall come to you in two nights. After I have dealt with a few things.”

He only brushed his knuckles down her cheek and headed for the door. Cassius had no choice but to follow the prince out lest he be spotted alone. When they were out of earshot, Nuri pulled her hood back. Sorin made to take a step towards Scarlett, but Nuri said quietly, “I would not do that, General. That is not the woman you know.” Scarlett had not moved. She stood frozen to that spot just outside the bedroom. The fire in the fireplace roared higher and heat flooded the room. Nuri sighed. “You don’t need to throw a tantrum about it.”

“I am not doing that,” Sorin said tightly.

Scarlett reached behind her back and drew her sword, leveling it at Sorin. Nuri’s eyes widened. “Scarlett,” she snapped, stepping into her line of sight, blocking Sorin. “No one is more delighted that you have emerged from that cage than I am, but we need the General.”

“Move, Nuri.” And as she spoke, frost began coating the windows.

“What the hell is going on?” Cassius asked, reentering the room.

Scarlett hardly noticed him as she said again, “Move, Nuri.”

Nuri glanced at Cassius, then stepped back but towards her. Cassius moved towards her as well. A cruel smile filled her mouth as she said with deathly calm, “Tell me about the High Force, Sorin.”

The confusion on Sorin’s face appeared genuine. “The High Force?”

Scarlett took a step towards him. Nuri and Cassius put hands on their weapons. “What does your High Force do?”

“They are a highly trained legion. They work in tandem and are an elite force for the king’s armies,” Sorin answered.

“What are they trained for? What do they do for the king?”

“As far as I know, they have not done anything for the king yet. In the nearly two years I have been training them, they have not been sent on any missions. Just intense training nearly every day.” Sorin’s voice was calm as he watched her.

“And here I thought after last night we had finally moved past the keeping of secrets,” Scarlett spat.

“What did Callan tell you?” Nuri interjected.

“It’s interesting, isn’t it?” Scarlett said, taking a step towards Sorin.“That our orphans began going missing about three years ago.”