He held the heels out to her before sending the book to a pocket realm. Maybe they could still catch Theon before the service started, assuming they were in the temple room.
Forcing himself to slow, they made their way back to the main hallways. He dropped her hand before rounding a corner. It would be unacceptable to be seen in such a way with a Fae, but the moment he was no longer touching her, all his anxiety about this day came flooding back. It was so strong, his stomach churned. He hadn’t eaten much today, and he suddenly found himself grateful for that.
She stayed at his side but a step behind him, always visible. It would be expected that she’d be guarded, but he still hated all this. Still wished it could be different, just as he’d wished every day since they’d spoken about it weeks ago.
Moving into the temple anteroom, Axel spotted Theon and Luka. Thankfully, his parents weren’t with them yet. Lange and Corbin stood off to the side. It would be expected they’d attend since they were claimed early.
“Theon, we need to talk,” Axel said when they finally managed to make their way across the crowded foyer. “I’ve been trying to reach you for the last two hours.”
“Is everything all right?” Theon asked.
“No. I mean, nothing is wrong, but we have information that might change?—”
“Tessalyn, my dear,” came a deep voice from behind them.
Turning, Axel immediately bowed, the Fae dropping to a knee, as they found Lord Jove standing there. Dagian, alongwith their Sources, was with him, that ever present almost sneer in place.
“My Lord,” Tessa greeted. “It’s nice to see you again. Happy Solstice.”
“And Happy Solstice to you,” he replied. “Speaking of which, I have a gift for you.”
“That is not necessary,” she said quickly, worrying her bottom lip.
“Of course it isn’t, but nonetheless, I have brought you one,” Lord Jove said with a chuckle.
There was a flare of light that had them all wincing and turning away, but when Axel turned back, he held a simply wrapped gift in his hand. He held it out to Tessa, who glanced at Theon. He gave a sharp jerk of his head. They all knew better than to refuse a Lord or Lady. Tessa stepped forward tentatively, taking it from him.
“Thank you, my Lord,” she said softly.
“Open it after sundown, as is customary,” Lord Jove said.
“Of course, my Lord.”
He smiled at her before his golden gaze slid to Theon. “Upon further discussion with the other ruling Lord and Ladies, we have agreed none of us wish to disrupt our Solstice festivities with hearings, rulings, or other more unfavorable activities. As such, you will come before us two days from now.”
“Understood, my Lord,” Theon said.
“And the third Mark?” Tessa asked, her eyes widening as she realized she spoke when she shouldn’t have. “I apologize.”
“Now, now. We’ve discussed this, Tessalyn. No need for apologies. The third Mark will happen as planned. We do not wish to disrupt tradition after all,” he said.
“I understand,” she replied, gaze dropping. “My gratitude again for the gift.”
“Enjoy the service,” he said before heading into the temple along with his family.
“What is that?” Theon asked as soon as the Achaz Lord was out of sight.
Tessa sent him a frank look. “It’s wrapped, Theon. How am I to know what it is?”
“You have no ideas?”
“Why don’t we just wait until after sundown, and then I can open it,” she replied.
“You will likely be unwell,” he retorted.
“I am not going to open it now when aLordspecifically told me to wait,” she hissed.
“He is not your—” Theon stopped, releasing a frustrated breath.