Page 88 of Grumpy Puck

Why did I ask her to stay?Why did I think it would make a lick of difference?

I should have fucking known better.Nobody has ever stayed for me.




Icry the whole way to New York, which is stupid, because I should really be ecstatic—I’ve gotten the opportunity of my dreams.

As the cab takes me from the airport to the hotel, my phone rings, and my treacherous heart speeds up, hopeful to hear Michael’s voice.

Nope.It’s Seraphina.

“Hi,” I say, doing my best to sound cheerful.

“Did Michael find you?”she says instead of a greeting.“He came back to the cafeteria and?—”

“Yes, he found me.”For all the good that it did.

“And?”she demands.

“And we broke up,” I say, fighting a hiccup.

“Why?Didn’t he explain?He?—”

“Left on some urgent business.He told me.It was too late, though.”


I take a deep breath.“I have amazing news.Should have started with that, actually.I got a job in New York.I’ll have my own rat show.Like I’ve always wanted.”

There.Saying the words makes me feel a tiny bit of the excitement that I should’ve been feeling this whole time.

“Wait.Back up,” Seraphina says.“How did that happen?”

I tell her, and feel like a traitor when I get to the part where I met my new employer during an event that Michael dragged me to.

“This is amazing,” Seraphina says when I finish.“But what about your Boo?Why the breakup?”

I shrug, then realize she can’t see me.“He wanted me to move in with him.This job means I can’t.”

“But you’d already moved in,” she says.

“That was for protection.This would’ve been for real.”

“And you said no?”

I bite my lip.“I did.Because of the job.”

“So… you’re going to do long distance, right?”she demands.“Or something?”

“I don’t think so.”Given his expression as I left, I doubt he’ll ever talk to me again.“And it’s for the best, really.I realize he didn’t leave because of our family, but I bet he hated us anyway.”Like all guys do.

“Wrong,” Seraphina says.“He told me he loved our family.Said something to the effect that he likes how we all care for each other.”She pauses.“Are you sure you’re not projecting issues with all your exes onto him?”

I narrow my eyes at the phone.“Why are you taking his side?”