Fuck it.Pantomiming something a figure skater might do, I extend my hand theatrically.“Would you care to dance?”
Blushing for some unfathomable reason, she takes my hand, and we walk over to the dance floor, where we are joined by the volunteers that the lady mentioned earlier.
“How about you two?”said lady says to Tugev and Sophia.“Will you join?”
They do.So does another couple, and a few more after that.
As we wait for the music, I realize that my heart is hammering—and not just because of Calliope’s proximity or the fact that her slender hand is enveloped in mine.Nor am I bothered by the fact that this performance is going to be streamed live.No.It’s hammering due to a belated realization.
I want this fake relationship with my team’s mascot to be real.
“One More Time” by Daft Punk belts through the speakers all around us, and we begin moving, which gives me a flashback from when Michael was so recently inside me.Or maybe it’s not just a flashback.Maybe I want him back there?All I know is I’m unnaturally turned-on in front of the richest people in New York, and Michael’s powerful body gyrating next to me isn’t helping in the slightest.
“You’re a good dancer,” he murmurs into my ear.
“It’s all about balance and rhythm,” I gasp into his.“And you’re not bad yourself.”And by that, I mean he’s sex on a hockey stick.
Smirking, he moves his body even more sensually, while I pray my reaction to him stays inside my thong.
When the song stops, the dancers are scored, with the couple near us getting the highest marks.
Michael leans in and I half-expect him to kiss me, but he speaks softly into my ear instead.“This dance-a-thon is a chance to beat Tugev.”
I frown.“Even after all that money he gave to the kids?”
He shrugs.“This is a competition.Someone has to win.Why not us?”
“I guess.”
What do you call the female equivalent of blue balls?Blue vulva?Asking for a friend.
The next dance is even hotter, and we get the highest scores.Unfortunately, Sophia and Tugev score in the next round, and given the looks the two males exchange, Tugev is just as competitive as Michael.
“We need more sexiness points next round,” Michael informs me.
“How?”And is it a good idea?I’m a few such points away from climbing Michael like a panda might the most delicious—and very hard—bamboo.
“Stay closer,” he says.“And gyrate more.”
“If I get any closer, we might need a condom,” I mutter under my breath, but I do as he suggests, earning us another high score—and bringing myself ever closer to blue vulva.
Unfortunately, despite our best gyrations on the next song, Tugev and Sophia come out victorious—which means it’s now a draw.
Up next is the Cha Cha—which, being a ballroom dance, requires prior practice that Michael and I don’t have.Nor do Tugev and his date, it seems.Instead, the highest scores go to an adorable older couple who are so good they might just be retired pros.This same couple dominates the Waltz round that follows, and the Tango, and the rest of the ballroom dances—which makes them the winners of the whole competition.No one seems to care about who got second or third place.
The expression on Michael’s face is thunderous, making me fear for the older couple’s safety.To our left, Tugev wears a matching mien—which just confirms that all hockey players are too competitive to be considered sane.
“Let’s go check on my rats,” I say.
Michael seems to shake off the violent fantasies he was harboring against the winners.“Yeah.And then let’s leave?”
I nod.The sooner we can get back to the hotel, the sooner I can change my panties.
When we reach the door of our honeymoon suite, I notice it’s not fully closed, so I mention this to Michael.