“Good,ptichka.”His voice is a low rumble in my ear.“Give me another one.”
Another one?
He pistons into me harder as he slides his hand down to my sensitive-from-orgasm clit and presses on just the right spot.
I cry out as a new tension crests inside me.“Michael!Oh, fuck, Michael…”
When the orgasm lands, it’s so powerful I see white behind my closed eyelids and feel ecstasy streaking through every nerve ending.It feels like the pleasure tears me apart and then puts me back together again, but I’m changed in some ineffable way.
Michael groans as my muscles spasm around his cock, and I feel the hot jet of his release inside me.Another mini-orgasm blasts through me, causing me to space out for a second.Or several minutes.My sense of time is as fuzzy as Mr.Bloom right now.
Distantly, I feel Michael pull out and step away.He returns a moment later and cleans me up with a warm, wet washcloth.At least I think that’s what he does.I’m too drained of energy to be sure.I’m just glad I’m on my back already because I can’t move a muscle now.
Yawning like a contented rat, I let myself drift into sweet sleep.
I wake up to an angry growl that I will not compare to that of an angry bear because a promise is a promise.
Opening one eye, I see that Michael’s ire is directed at the clock on the nightstand, of all things.
“Something wrong?”I reluctantly open my other eye.
“It’s eleven-thirty.”His tone is grim.
Oh.“But the game is at twelve,” I say reassuringly.“We’re not that far.I think we’ll make it if we hurry.”
He turns the angry gaze from the clock to me.“My routine is fucked.”
“A healthy breakfast and then a pre-game snack.Hydration.Warm-up.Taping sticks.”He leaps from the bed, gloriously naked.“There’s no time to give you the whole list.”He hurries into the bathroom.
Shit.Whoever came up with the phrase “rude awakening” probably had Michael in mind.Everything he’s just said implies that his getting up so late is somehow my fault, when in reality, he’s the one who didn’t letmesleep.
Even when I slept, I had crazy wet dreams.
Unless… Oh.I’m sore.
That very vivid dream involving the best sex of my life either happened for real, or I’m still asleep.
Michael and I need to talk.Pronto.
I leap to my feet, throw on a robe, and rush to the bathroom door.
It’s locked.
I knock furiously.
“Give me a fucking minute!”Michael roars from the inside.
Shit.I also have a job to do at the game.
Grabbing my suitcase, I yank out the vacuum-sealed mascot suit and pull on the leggings and sports bra I’m going to wear underneath.Then I take out the food for my rats and allow them to have a feast.
Michael is still not out.
I exchange a worried glance with Wolfgang.
Meine Liebe, if you want anyone’s cooperation, you have to weaponize that slice of cheddar.