Page 37 of Grumpy Puck

I destroy his camera first, then do the same to the other asshole.Then I promise to break body parts if I see them again and head into my house.

Finally.I’m still painfully hard after that kiss, so I fist my dick to release the tension.Afterward, I eat dinner and get on my computer to work on my secret project.

By the time my eyes grow tired from staring at the monitor, I have a new sponsor secured and have managed to score an invitation to a fundraiser where I can meet more while I’m in New York.It’s a black-tie event, so I go over to the suitcase I’ve already prepared and pack my tux into it.

The problem is, just dressing the part isn’t going to help me score more sponsors.I’ll need to shmooze and be fucking polite, which isn’t my forte.

Maybe Coach is right.Maybe I should ask Calliope to join me.Despite being a contrarian who would no doubt have a rat on her shoulder even at a black-tie event, she’d do a much better job than I ever could when it comes to charming people.Something about her just draws you in.Some sort of a sparkle, for lack of a better term, and I don’t just mean the color of her nails.

But no.I can’t.It sounds too much like an actual date.And it would feel like one too, which is the last thing we need.

Closing my computer, I walk over to my telescope and unwind by watching the hawk family.

The next day, by the end of the practice, I realize I’ve almost lost my voice from yelling at my sorry excuses for teammates.

Sweating bullets, I approach Coach while he is speaking with Calliope, and catch her asking, “Maybe you should enroll him in anger management classes?”

“Fuck that,” I growl.“But youcouldenroll these lazy fuckers in some ‘intro to hockey’ classes.”

Coach turns my way.“I know you want to win, but maybe you’re pushing yourself and the others a little too hard?”

I narrow my eyes at him.“Shouldn’t you want us to win more than I do, Coach?”

“It’s an exhibition game,” he reminds me.“A glorified practice.There’s no prize money.No impact on rankings.It doesn’t count toward anything.”

I shake my head vehemently.“After we beat them, my prize will be the expressions on their faces.”Especially one specific face.

“Ifwe beat them,” Coach says.“Our chances aren’t that good.They’re a much stronger team and?—”

“Which is why they’re going to be overconfident,” I say.“And not try their hardest—for all the reasons you’ve mentioned.”

“So why doyouwant to beat them so much?”Calliope asks just as Dante skates over and takes off his mask, nearly blinding us all with his paleness.

“Because they fired him,” Dante says without missing a beat.“And it’s not just all of them that he wants to defeat, but Mason Tugev especially.The one responsible for said firing.”

I restrain all of my violent urges.Dante is a friend.Plus he’s an outstanding goalie, and we need him for the game in question.“Tugev actually claimed it was their coach who fired me,” I grit out.“The real reason I want to beat him is because he thinks he’s the best in the league.”

“He and the rest of the world,” Dante says.“Present company excluded, of course.”

“Mason Tugev,” Calliope repeats with a frown.“Isn’t that guy a billionaire?”

“Exactly,” I say grimly.“And all that money has made him soft, I’m sure.”

“He’s the team owner now,” Coach adds.“So he’s probably thinking about retirement rather than winning.”

“There you go,” I say.“This might be my last chance to best him.”

“Don’t you mean foryourteam to besthisteam?”Coach asks with a smirk.

“I’m sure he meant exactly what he said,” Calliope says with an eyeroll.“The man’s ego is the size of Mount Everest.”

Dante gives her a high five, and I almost break his arm for daring to touch her—friend/goalie or not.What stops me is Coach’s hand on my shoulder.

The man understands me much better than anyone else.

“So, Calliope,” Coach says.“Any new shenanigans you need help with?”The bastard looks pointedly at me.

“Actually, yes,” she says.“But I’m not sure if I should clear them with everyone, or just run with them.”