Page 135 of If Only In Our Dreams

It was intimate in a different way than pushing inside his body had been. And I found myself floored by it, all over again.

“You want more?” he asked, only halfway through his food. I shook my head. “You suuuure?”

“Thank you,” I replied softly, enjoying the way he took a bite of his food, his cheeks puffing up. “I’m good.”

Robin ate like he perpetually thought he only had five minutes to get his food down. So it was funny how slow he was moving tonight. Like we’d switched places.

When he’d finished, I cleaned up, enjoying the way he watched me, those green eyes dark with heat. And then we showered together, the hot water pressure was ridiculously good. I made a mental note to have a shower head just like this one installed at my place—because it was heaven on my back.

Robin and I fell into bed together with a groan, clean and satisfied.

And for the rest of the weekend we repeated that pattern. We’d fuck, eat delicious food, and sometimes pop in a Christmas movie or two. Robin seemed to really like the ones that had snow—which was unsurprising after seeing his first reaction to it back home.

It was heaven.


But on the last night, as we lay in bed, my heart fluttering, Robin curled up against my chest, I realized just how homesick I felt.

Like he’d read my mind, Robin’s voice echoed through the quiet, groggy and sweet. “I’m excited to go home tomorrow,” he hummed innocently, like he hadn’t realized what he’d just said at all.

“Yeah?” I murmured, stroking my fingers through his hair.

“I miss the girls,” Robin admitted, squeezing me tighter. “Not that I don’t love the manic sex-fest we’ve been having, because I do—like…so much.” His ass was well-fucked, cum slick between his cheeks, so I knew he was telling the truth.

Apparently Robin liked being bred as much as I liked breeding him.

“But I miss my lil mob bosses,” Robin wriggled and I squeezed him tight, pressing a kiss to his fluffy head.

“I miss them too,” I agreed, because I did. So much.

“You think Jane’s been practicing?” Robin asked quietly. “I gave her a bunch of tips, but she was still worried about the play.” The performance was on the twenty-third, right before Robin’s plane was due to depart back to L.A. It was a Christmas play, something the elementary school had thrown together with open doors for kids—even the ones too little to be real students—to participate in.

“We can go over her lines again when we get back,” I agreed. “She’ll appreciate that.”

“Rosie’s no help,” Robin sighed. “All she wants to talk about is her cat.”

“She’s almost to a hundred,” I informed him, because I’d forgotten to tell him earlier.

“No shit?” Robin perked up, his chin digging into my chest. “Oh my god. I bet she’s so excited.”

She was.

Her words came back to me, however—the innocent offer to give away all the money she’d earned and the opportunity for a pet, so that Robin would stay.

“Would you want to go pick one out with us?” I asked, stroking through his hair as his pretty lashes fluttered.


“It’d be after Christmas.” We’d been so careful not to talk about what was happening after Robin returned home to L.A. I’d been terrified of scaring him off. But now…that fear was fading. After these last few days together I simply couldn’t fathom my world without him in it.

I would make it work, no matter what that took.

Even if it meant giving up Belleville and its peace.

“I…” Robin wavered, his face scrunching up sadly. “I’m not sure what my schedule will be like.”

“We can wait,” I promised, warming even more when he simply melted and offered me a big smile.