And we kissed and kissed andkissed.
And it was slick, and warm, and home, home, home. It was happiness and comfort. It was lulling and delicious. These almost drugging, languid swipes of his tongue that made me feel like I was melting.
The world could’ve been ending outside and I wouldn’t have cared.
“Yellow if you want me to slow down,” Ben murmured, kissing my forehead, my lips tingling the second he pulled away. “Red to stop.” He kissed my cheek. “Green if you like something and I’m checking in.” He kissed my ear.
I shuddered, fingers bunching up in his sweater. I was wrinkling it. Maybe stretching it out too—to the point that “Robin” fingers would remain inside it forever.
Ben didn’t seem to mind.
“I’m going to takesuchgood care of you,” Ben murmured, this quiet rumbly murmur that made me light up from the inside out. And then he added, as if what he’d already said wasn’t sweet enough. “Thank you for trusting me with this. With…you.”
I was fully clothed and yet I felt naked.
“Thankyoufor listening,” I replied, voice rubbed raw, like my feelings had given it a rug burn. “Thank you forseeingme.”
“I adore you,” Ben said, the words his eyes had been telling me for weeks. “I adore you,” he repeated, because once would never be enough for either of us.
“I adoreyou,” I replied, because it was true. It was true, and at that moment, I wasn’t too scared to admit it.
Ben was quick and efficient as he stripped himself of his clothing. All that gorgeous tan muscle on display. I fanned myfingers across the flowers that ran up his forearms, skipping over the scrawl of the twins’ names, etched delicately between petals.
The veins danced beneath my fingertips as Ben’s chest heaved, his free hand fumbling between his legs to get his button and zip undone. He shucked the rest of his clothing off quickly, dick slapping free.
And god, was it a lovely fucking dick.
Thick, and long, and—fuck.Yes.
I’d never get tired of staring at it.
He’d been patient until this moment. Always biding his time, like a crocodile lying in wait just below the surface of murky water. But now he was exposed, his feelings written all over his face as his cock rose from a nest of auburn curls, veiny, hard, and delicious.
It was an honor to see Ben so open.
He had more walls than I did.
And as he worked his fingers under the hem of my mesh shirt, I shivered. Ben was more gentle with me than he’d been with himself. And it was hard to think about anything but the sexy cock swinging between his legs. Flushed bright red, the crown leaking obscenely. It brushed my thigh, skimming the hole in my jeans, and I groaned.
Together, we pulled my shirt up and off.
And then Ben’s mouth was on my chest. Liquid hot, his tongue laved my nipples, teeth sinking in like he was as ravenous for me as I was for him. Weirdly enough, my explosion of honesty hadn’t poisoned this. In fact, it somehow made it better. Made me feel raw and open and needy in a way I never had been before.
Trust was the elephant in the room.
“You’re so beautiful,” I croaked out, shivering when Ben’s hands froze, his head swiveling to look up at me. His eyeswere nearly black with lust, the honey color swallowed almost entirely.
“Thank you,” his voice was hoarse. “So are you.”
I didn’t think anyone had ever told Ben that he was beautiful before. Because the splotchy flush on his cheeks was telling.
“I’ve never met a more wonderful person,” I added, because it was true. Ben made a hurt little sound, head sinking down as he fluttered a grateful little kiss against my sternum. My pants and boxers were the only thing between me and all that warm, lovely skin. Normally I’d be impatient. I’d be swearing and pulling and begging.
But this…moment was too perfect to ruin with haste.
If this was all I ever got, I was going to make the most of it.