Her hands are resting on her thighs, and I can see the indecision on her face. She naturally resists being told what to do. She’s been that way as long as I’ve known her. That’s what makes this so fun, though. Forcing the defiant cunt to comply.
I’m still standing in the kitchenette, so I lean against the counter. “Refuse all you want,” I say. “The more I have to ask,the more punishment you receive, and the more fun this will be for me.”
I watch as her jaw clenches, and her hands grip her thighs. That statement pissed her off. Good. A chuckle escapes my throat.
Her eyes flutter closed for a second, and just when I think she’s going to reach up and take the shirt off, she launches off the bed and makes a run for the front door. It’s a tiny studio apartment, so the door is only ten feet away from the bed, and she reaches it quickly, unlocking the door.
Cursing under my breath, I go after her. She actually makes it outside, onto the walkway, before I catch up to her, encircling my arm around her waist and pulling her back inside. I shove her back into the apartment, slamming the door shut with my boot.
“Well, you’ve fucked around,” I say slowly, anger spreading through my bloodstream. “And now you’re going to find out.”
She’s standing by the bed, breath heaving from her lungs, looking at me with fear in her eyes. Yeah, she fucked up, and I’m going to make her pay for it.
I advance on her, but the bed is right behind her, so she can’t retreat. She has no choice but to hold her ground. My hand darts out, and I grab her, my grip tight enough to make her wince.
I lean in, so my masked face is only half an inch from hers. I can feel her breath on my lips, and that simple thing stirs something to life inside me. “You’ve been a very bad girl.”
I’m gripping her throat and under my palm, I can feel her swallow. A single, poetic tear rolls down her cheek, but I’m unmoved. “I–I’m sorry,” she stutters.
“Oh, it's too late for that,” I say, pulling a knife from my pocket. I flip it open, and remove my hand from her chin, replacing it with the tip of the blade. She sucks in a sharp intake of breath, and now I know I have her.
I slide the tip of the blade down to the pulse that’s frantically beating at the base of her throat. “With just a little pressure, I could kill you right now,” I say. “Your life is mine. Every breath you draw into your lungs is because I allow it. Remember that the next time you want to defy me.”
She nods.
Lowering the blade, I use it to cut the neckline of the T-shirt she’s wearing, and then I pull it open, ripping the fabric. Switching the blade closed, I shove the knife back into my pocket, then use both my hands to pull the T-shirt the rest of the way off her body.
She’s standing in front of me in only her panties, her beautiful tits round and full. I only get a glimpse before her hands fly up to cover her chest.
“Get on the bed.”
This time, she doesn’t hesitate. She climbs onto the bed, again, on her knees, facing me. Glancing around, I notice her phone charger, and I yank the cord out of the wall.
“Turn around,” I say. “Wrists behind your back.”
Again, that hesitation, but in the end she does what I ask, turning on the mattress, placing her hands behind her. Grabbing her wrists, I tie them together with the cord, then shove her forward, so her face is pressed against the mattress, her plump ass jutting up in the air.
She whimpers. “Please,just let me go, and I won’t say anything to anyone. I swear…”
I ignore her, my gaze fixed on her ass. It would feel so good to nestle my cock between those beautiful round cheeks. I lick my bottom lip, just imagining it.
Not yet.
I pull her pink, lacy panties down, exposing that perfect pussy. Despite her protests, she’s wet, practically dripping.Goddamn. My cock surges inside my pants. I could fuck her right now, bathe her channel in my cum and there isn’t a damn thing she could do about it.
I’m practically drooling when I brush my fingers over one smooth ass cheek, then I slap it with a hardwhackthat vibrates through my hand. She yelps and jerks forward, not expecting it. A red mark blooms across her ass cheek and I smile. Then I do it again, anotherwhack.A whimper escapes her throat, but the sound is muffled by the mattress.
“That’s for making me ask twice,” I say, glancing around the room for something I can use to make my final point. My eyes settle on a knife block in the kitchen, and I slide the largest knife free, palming the handle.
She’s exactly where I left her, but her head is twisted to the side so she can watch me. When she sees the knife, her eyes go wide and she tries to sit up. I pin her down with one hand, forcing her chest back down onto the mattress.
“What are you going to do with that?” she asks with panic in her voice.
“I’m going to show you that pain and pleasure are one and the same.”
She pulls against her restraints and a whimper bubbles up from her throat. “Are you going to hurt me?”