Page 52 of Don't Look Away

I love Bree, more than anything, and I’mdesperatefor answers, but I don’t know if I’m willing to get those answers at Roman’s expense. I can’t betray him like this.

As Lucas slowly unzips his slacks, I open my mouth to call this all off, but before any sound can pass my lips, the door bursts open. The heavy wood ricochets off the wall, hitting the wainscotting with such violence that the door bounces back. A strong hand catches the edge of the door before it collides with the man filling the doorway.


Oh, shit.



The pure,undiluted rage I feel is so strong, I can’t fucking see straight.

I was only forty-five minutes away when I received the text from Lucas, saying they intended to go through with Lux’s initiation. He apologized and gave some bullshit reason, citing some kind of loophole, but I don’t fucking know, because I didn’t even read that far.

The second I received that text, I turned around, and that forty-five-minute drive became a twenty-five-minute drive. It’s a miracle I wasn’t pulled over by Highway Patrol.

And the entire way, all I could think about was this exact fucking scenario—Lux on her knees, sucking another man off, or getting fucked. It fueled my rage, and I pictured all the different ways I would fuckingkillthe guys I call my brothers.

“What the fuck?” I yell, storming into the room. It’s against the bylaws to enter the ceremony room without my robes but fuck that. Fuck all of this shit.

I storm over to Lux, my fury building with each step, because every inch of her luscious body is on full display, for everyone in this room to see. She watches me as I approach, fear etched on her beautiful face.Good.She should be afraid. They should all be fucking afraid.

“What theactual fuckis going on?” I reach down, and curl my fingers around her elbow, yanking her off her knees roughly. With my free hand, I knock Lucas’ mask off and grab him by the collar. “What the fuck is this, Lucas?”

No one is talking. No one is saying anything. Everyone stands in stunned silence, shifting nervously, looking around like they’re not sure what to do.

Even Lucas, who is usually so self-fucking-assured, hesitates. He grabs my hand and tries to pry it off his collar, but I’ve got a death grip on the mother-fucker. “Roman, dude, chill. We can talk about this.”

I turn around and motion to the person delegated as the ceremony attendant. “Get her robe. Now!”

The person—probably Ashley, because she’s the most senior female member—rushes to grab Lux’s robe, and throws it over her. I let go of Lux only long enough for her to thread her arms through the sleeves. The second I release her, though, she sways a little, and fuck, but my anger rises another ten notches if that’s even fucking possible.

My grip is still tight on Lucas’ collar, and I shove him up against the wall, dragging Lux along with us. “What did you give her, Lucas?”

“We gave her what we give everyone, Roman. Damn. Calm the fuck down,” Lucas says a little too calmly.

What we give everyone is a mix of alcohol and Xanax, to calm the initiate down. Not enough to incapacitate them, or make them unaware, but still.

“Fuck!” I yell, shoving him hard. “She’s fuckingpregnant,you cunt!”

A collective gasp ripples through the room, and shock crosses over Lucas’ face. Fuck him. Fuck everyone, including Lux, for doing this behind my back.

“Roman, I’m sorry, dude.She came to us, and she didn’t tell us anything about that.” He swallows, but I can tell he’s ready for a fight if I give him one.

I shove Lucas hard, releasing him. “I’ll deal with you later.” Then I turn to face Lux, who is looking up at me, her entire body trembling. “Is that true? Did youaskfor this?” My hand is still curled around her arm, and I pull her closer. “Is this whatyouwanted?” I can’t keep the hatred out of my voice, even if I wanted to.

She opens her mouth to say something, but no sound emerges. Because, honestly, what can she say? How can she possibly defend this? She can’t, and she’s smart enough to know that.

But,fuck, the betrayal of seeing her on her knees, ready to suck my best friend’s dick is more than I can even comprehend. I pull her over to the table roughly. I take her chin in my hand, squeezing until I see her beautiful face twist in pain. “You want to be a whore for the Burning Crown?” I say harshly.

She shakes her head, but the movement is restricted by my grip. She still says nothing, though. There’s no effort to explain or defend her actions.

I release her with a shove and move to undo my pants. “You want to be initiated? I’ll fucking initiate you. Right here. Right now.”

A low rumble ripples through the room as people realize what’s about to happen. A few members move to leave the room, but I turn on them. I need ten senior members present as witnesses. Any less than that, and the initiation isn’t valid. “Everyone stays,” I grate out. “Leave this fucking room, and you’ll answer to me.”

That seems to quiet everyone, and I turn back to Lux. While my attention was diverted, she reached behind her to grip the table for support, her gaze darting around the room like she’s suddenly embarrassed. “Oh,nowyou’re worried about everyone looking?” I say through gritted teeth. “Now you’re worried about yourfuckingmodesty?”