On my last attempt before calling it quits, he launches me, and I go one way while the board is yanked in the opposite direction. I’m pulled through the water, then pushed down by the giant wave, water swirling around me, holding me under. Seconds later, a pair of strong hands pull me up. I gasp the second I’m above water, coughing up the gallon of salty water I’d just swallowed.
“I think that’s enough for one day,” Ash says, removing the velcro strap from my ankle.
I’m still coughing as I make my way up to shore. As soon as I reach the beach, I flop down onto the sand. Every muscle in my body aches, and I’m still gasping for air.Jesus.That’s a lot harder than it looks.
Ash sets the board down and sits next to me. “You okay?”
I’m on my back, and I turn my head toward him. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to kill me.”
He laughs. “Yeah, everyone feels like that their first time. Don’t worry about it, next time you’ll be that much better.”
“Next time?” I laugh. “I can’t believe people do this more than once. And onpurpose.”
Ash lays down on his back next to me. “Yup. Never underestimate the pull of the ocean. Once surfing gets into your blood, it’s impossible to shake.”
As we lay there with the sound of ocean waves crashing mere feet away, and seagulls screeching overhead, I start to understand. It’s peaceful here. And while we were out in the ocean, waiting for a wave—and there’sa lotof waiting—I could appreciate the tranquility of being a part of the water.
We lay on the sand for a long time before finally getting up and returning the board and wetsuits back to Thomas. Then we head back to campus, Ash pulling up right in front of my residence hall.
“Thanks,” I say, reaching for the door handle. “I had fun today. I needed that.”
He flashes me a smile. “Same. And hey, I hope I didn’t make trouble for you. That wasn’t my intention.”
“Don’t worry about it,” I say. “I’m sure Roman is pissed, but he’ll get over it.”
He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t bet on that.”
We say our goodbyes, and I promise to text him later. When I head up to my room, I stop by Bree's room, as usual. Nothing. No answer from her or the roommate, so I continue on to my room. But when I stick my key in, the door doesn’t open.
I blink down at my key, then back up at the door. This is definitely my room. I try my key again, struggling with it, until finally, the door is wrenched open from the inside.
“Oh, Lux,” Emily says. “It’s you, thank God.”
I pinch my brows, and she stands aside, letting me pass. I’m so tired, I could just fall into bed and sleep for days. But as I step in, I noticeall of my stuff is gone.
“What the fuck?” I yell, turning to Emily . “Where’s all my stuff?”
The mattress has been stripped of all my bedding, and the desk and bookshelves look like they did the day I moved in, completely empty.
“I’m not sure. Some people came about an hour ago and took everything.”
I turn on her, furious. .”And you didn’t stop them?”
She shrugs. “I thought after everything that’s been going on with Roman and your friend, you just…I don’t know, dropped out or something.”
I push out a breath. I know none of this is Emily’s fault, butfuck.“It’s okay,” I say, taking a deep breath to calm myself down. My room and board has been paid, thanks to my scholarship, so I know I wasn’t evicted. Whatever this is can be fixed.
Someone has my stuff, I just need to find out who. “I’m sure this is all just a misunderstanding. Who came to take everything? Was it someone from the Housing Office?”
“They wouldn’t tell me,” she says hesitantly. “But they looked like students, and I heard one of them mention Roman’s name. So, uh, you might want to check with him.”
Of course.
I’m going to fuckingkillhim.