Reaching forward, I unhook her wrists, and pull her up, forcing her legs to curl around my hips, and I can’t wait for another second, I push into her—hard—my cock slamming against her cervix, her tight pussy stretching around me, accommodating my size, just barely.
We moan in unison, and I find the nearest wall, pushing her up against it, pumping my hips, taking her as deep as I possibly can. As I fuck her, I bite her neck, consumed by the pleasure only she seems capable of giving me.
I’m so lost to sensation, so desperate for release, I can hardly breathe. My heart is hammering against my ribs, and all I can focus on is the heaven of her body—the only heaven I’ll ever beadmitted to, that’s for fucking sure. But it’s the only heaven I need.
Too late, I realize I didn’t put on a condom, but I quickly decide it’s fine, as long as I pull out.
Another several thrusts, and I’m already on the brink of coming. I can feel her channel begin to tighten, too, which spurs me on. Her tits are pressed against my chest, her warmth surrounding me.
“You want me to stop, baby?” I ask.
“Yes,” she pants, her arms tightening around my neck, her thighs squeezing me a fraction tighter. “Get off me, youfucking monster.”
Those last words were said with such hatred, that they make me smile. I want to come inside her so badly, mark her in a way she can’t fucking scrub away, but that could create consequences I’d rather not face.
My climax is approaching hard and fast, and I have no choice but to set her down and rip myself away, finishing with my fist. I watch her as I pump once, then twice, imagining my cum coating her pussy.
She sags against the wall, watching me, her eyes riveted to my cock, and to the stream of milky come that erupts from the tip as I climax. Her jaw tightens, and she bites her bottom lip as she sinks to the ground. With her hands still secured, she tries to pleasure herself, but the angle is awkward, and she whimpers in frustration.
Cleaning myself off with her panties from my pocket, I tuck my cock back into my slacks and zip back up. Lux has slid down the wall and is sitting on the tiled floor, back against the wall, legs spread, looking beautiful, flushed and fucking furious.
I can’t say I blame her. I pulled out before she could finish, and I’m sure she feels like a powder keg ready to blow. Herwrists are still tied together, otherwise, I’m betting she’d rub out a quick one herself.
I crouch down in front of her and touch my finger to the folds of her pussy. She’s soaking wet, and I’m desperate to taste her again. Honestly, I could go another several rounds, but I want her to feel the loss of me, so I hold back.
This whole thing is about proving a point.
I brush my thumb over her swollen clit, and her head falls back against the wood-paneled wall, eyes fluttering closed. “Should I finish you?” I ask lazily, dragging my gaze down her anguished face.
Her mouth is open slightly, but no words emerge.
“You have to say it, Lux. You have to tell me you want it, or I'll walk away.”
Her brows scrunch, and I can tell she’s fighting it, my stubborn Little Rabbit. Always fighting the snare. But if she’s not careful, she’ll tear herself up trying to escape me…
HaveI mentioned how much I hate Roman Rush? Well, scratch that, Idespisehim. But I despise myself even more because as much as I know this is a bad idea, I’m arching into his hand, silently begging him to get me off.
“Say it, Lux.” His deep voice sends a hot wave of desperation crashing over me. “Or I walk away.”
My entire body feels like it’s been plugged into an electrical socket, my blood buzzing, my heart rioting, my clit pulsing. When he fucked me just a few minutes ago, I was so damn close to coming. So close I could practically taste it. Then he pulled away and left me wanting.
“Please,” I say, forcing the word past my lips. It takes every ounce of humility for me to say it, but I’m dying here. It’s a matter of survival, at this point.
He leans in, a smile stretching across that hideously beautiful face. “That’s a good girl.”
His fingers delve into me, several at once, and I nearly scream. Pumping in and out of me, he uses his thumb to strokemy clit at the same time, applying that glorious pressure right where I need it most.
It’s scary, actually, how well he knows my body already. Like opening a safe—two to the left, four to the right, andbingo!I’m already panting, lifting my hips, pushing my mound into his hand, my head tilted back against the wall.
“So sweet.” He brushes his lips across my cheekbone, then pulls back to look at me. “Now tell me what I do to you, Lux.”
I clamp my mouth closed and squeeze my eyes shut. I can’t tell him that. It feels too intimate, and with every forced confession, he’s inching closer and closer to therealme. And I can’t allow that. He’s too dangerous.
He pulls his fingers out of me, hesitating at my entrance. “Tell me,” he says again, always so fucking demanding.