“Lux Anderson.”
The man nods stiffly and opens the door wider. “Please come in. Mr. Ashford is out back. I’ll lead the way.”
Two things occur to me at once, both with equal shock. One, is Ash’s namereallyAsh Ashford? No. That can’t possibly be right. And two, it’s clear this guy isn’t Ash’s dad, but rather, some kind of butler or something, which is wild, because I’ve never seen a butler in real life.
I follow the older man through the house, which is wide open, swathed in whites, grays, and blues, and as modern as one can get without appearing cold. There’s an unmistakable beach theme with expensive ocean-inspired art pieces hanging on the walls, and even a few surfboards that are hung tastefully. It’s crazy that someone in their early twenties could live this lavishly. It’s almost like I’ve stepped into another world.
The maybe-butler leads me outside onto a patio overlooking the ocean. The sand is literally ten steps away with the water some distance beyond that.
I glance around, and spot Ash in the pool, swimming laps.
“Can I get you anything to drink?”
I’m thirsty, and I could use some water, but I’m not used to someone having to fetch it for me. “I’m fine, thank you, though.”
With a nod, the man leaves me alone on the patio, which is more than a little awkward, so I venture over to the edge of the pool. It takes a couple of minutes, but Ash finally spots me and climbs out of the water.
With a smile stretched across his handsome face, he walks toward me.
Damn, he’s hot, and I swallow as he approaches. He’s wearing black swim trunks, and nothing else. The sun glints off his tanned skin, accentuating every delicious muscle, from hisrock-hard pecs to the muscles lining his abdomen. He looks like a GQ ad come to life.
Water drips onto his face, and he rakes a hand through his hair to get most of the water out. “Hey, girlie. Didn’t think I’d see you for a while. How are you feeling?”
I look around for a towel, but there isn’t one. “Do you want to dry off?”
He shakes his head like a wet dog, showering me with droplets. I yelp and turn away, which sends him into a fit of laughter.
“I was born for the water, baby. Doesn’t bother me,” he says.
With an annoyed huff, I wipe the water off my face. “Well, I wasn’t born for the water. It’s too cold, even with a wet suit.”
“We’ll just have to agree to disagree.” His gaze rakes over me like he’s making sure I really am alive. He motions for me to sit at the patio table, in the shade. I take a seat, and he lowers himself into the chair next to me. “You really okay? After what I saw last night, I wasn’t sure. You scared the fuck out of me.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Someone roofied my drink. Roman thinks it was someone intentionally trying to hurt me.”
Ash nods, studying my face. “What do you think?”
I shrug and glance out at the ocean to avoid his very intense gaze. “I’m not sure. Could’ve been random.”
“That’s not what you really think, though, is it?”
I press my lips together, wondering if I should mention Tyler. It’s why I came here, to ask him what I should do. He hates Roman, though, and I imagine he’ll just tell me to call the police. Which, to be fair, would be the right thing to do.
But there’s something stopping me. I’mhorrifiedby what I saw, but selfishly, I wonder if turning Roman in would impede my search for Bree. Something like this would snatch everyone’s attention away from Bree’s case—what little attention there is. And I can’t let that happen. Not yet, at least.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” I say, looking at him. Might as well rip the bandaid off, right? “Would you mind if I stay here for a while? It’ll just be temporary.” He raises an eyebrow, and I rush to add, “I mean, if it’s cool with your roommates, or whoever you’re living with, of course…”
“I have two brothers, and they pass through every once in a while, but I’m here alone, mostly.”
“Oh,” is all I can say.
Two brothers. Interesting. I wonder if they’re as hot as he is, but then I quickly discard the thought. Thelastthing I need to be thinking about is guys and their level of hotness. Iamonly human, though.
“So, yeah, not a problem for me. But, uh…” He’s hedging. “I don’t think Roman’s going to like it.”
“I’m a free woman.”
“Are you, though? Didn’t look like it last night. Roman was fucking frantic when you fell ill. I’ve never seen him like that. Like, ever.”