“Maybe you just need something to loosen you up a little?” she asks hopefully. “There’s a party near Mission Beach.”
“Sure,” I say, heading onto the main highway. I can’t go home right now, because I know, for a fact, when I see Lux lying in my bed, I won’t be able to resist fucking her. I need to cool down before I go back home, and a party is a decent distraction…
After diggingthrough a couple of my clothes boxes in Roman’s room, I find something skimpy; a cropped yellow halter top, a short white skirt, and tennis shoes. I change quickly, then grab my phone, and head downstairs.
Escaping the house ends up being a lot easier than I thought it would be. There are only a few people wandering around the house, but none of them are Sacred Sons. Lucas is nowhere in sight. I guess he must have gone to his room, and the other two aren’t here either. I wonder if they’re still at the restaurant?
Whatever. Doesn’t matter.
As I walk through the kitchen to the back door, a couple of people sitting around give me side-eye, but they don’t say anything. After what happened with Nicole, I doubt they would. I sent a pretty clear message to everyone when I kicked her out.
I walk around to the front of the house and see Wyn waiting in her car, idling at the curb. I sprint across the front lawn, and hop into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed.
“Hey,” I breathe. “Thanks for rescuing me.”
“Wow, you just walked right out,” she says, pulling out into the road. “I’m impressed. You’re either brave or stupid.”
“No one was even standing guard,” I say.
I don’t even know where Wyn is taking me, but, honestly, it doesn’t even matter at this point. I need to get out. Doesn’t matter where. But, I do promise myself one thing; if there’s alcohol involved, then I’m getting drunk. After the last few weeks I’ve had, I deserve a drunken night of mayhem.
“Thank God for that,” Wyn laughs. “You lucked out.”
“So what was everyone saying when Lucas and I left?” I ask.
As she’s driving, she blows out a breath and shakes her head. “Man, whatweren’tthey saying? A lot of speculation about whether or not Roman is going to ditch you and start things up with one of the Debs.”
“Jen,” I supply, giving voice to what she’s probably thinking, but doesn’t want to say. I’m sure she’s trying to protect my feelings.
Wyn glances at me with sympathy. “Yeah.”
“Don’t look at me like that,” I say. “If he’s found someone else, then that’s a good thing.”
But even as the words trip out of my mouth, my chest aches, and tears burn the back of my eyes. Blinking rapidly, I glance out the window so Wyn can’t see my face. I can’t cry. Iwon’tcry. Not over Roman. It was always going to end like this.
“You’re not upset?” I can hear the doubt in her voice.
I swallow past the thickness in my throat. “Why would I be upset? Roman finding someone else to harass is better for everyone.”
There’s a second of silence before she says, “Is thatreallywhat you want?”
No.“Yes,” I say, glancing over at her.
“Okay, then cool.” With her hands on the steering wheel, she shimmies a little. “Where we’re going, there’ll be plenty of guys to help you forget Roman-fucking-Rush.”
“Thank God,” I laugh. “I just want to get drunk and forget the last twenty-four hours ever happened. No, correction—the lastmonth.”
We pull up to one of the many frat houses near campus. Wyn flashes me a cautious look. “I’m not going to get in trouble for bringing you here, am I?”
I laugh. “Why would you get in trouble?”
“Roman isn't going to come bursting through the front doors, demanding the head of whoever brought you here to flirt with other guys?”
I turn to her as we’re walking. “Wyn. He’s off somewhere with someother chick. He’s clearly done with me.”