Page 60 of Say It Slowly

“Tell me, is Roman usually this…” What’s a word that won’t offend him?Crazy? Unhinged?“…intense?”

Lucas doesn’t look at me. “Roman’s been going through a bit of a renaissance. I think he’s still trying to find his bearings.”

Wow, could he be more vague?

“Well, do you think I could help him…with whatever it is he’s dealing with?” I ask. I mean, if I’m stuck in this situationship with him, then I might as well try to help. Though, that may not be an issue after today.

Lucas glances at me briefly, like he’s trying to figure out if I’m being sincere. “Honestly, you’re theonlyperson who can help him,” he finally answers.

Oh. Kayyy.

“Really? That’s not what it looks like to me. He just left the restaurant with another girl, for God’s sake.”

He shrugs one shoulder. “Yeah, I don’t know. He’s a bit of a mystery, even to those closest to him.” He flashes me a smile. “But I have faith you’ll figure him out. If anyone can get past the walls he builds around himself, it’s you.”

I smirk. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I’m not sure I agree. I feel like we bring out the worst in each other.”

“Yeah, that’s how I know you matter to him. Because, if it were anyone else, he wouldn’t care at all. And walking out withJen…he’s obviously trying to prove something to either you or himself.”

We pull into Rush House’s driveway, and Lucas parks, shutting the engine off. He turns to me. “Just…don’t give up on him.”

I swallow, and glance away, suddenly uncomfortable by the serious turn this conversation has taken. I can’t promise I won’t give up on him, because, honestly, Iwantto give up every single day. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it.

I try to convince myself it’s because of Bree. I need Roman and his connections to help me find her, but I don’t know if that’s the whole reason.

“Yeah,” I finally say, reaching for the door. “I hear you.”

We head into the house, and I thank Lucas for bringing me home, then go up to Roman’s bedroom. His car isn’t in the driveway, so I know he’s not home, which is both a torment and a relief. A torment, because I know he’s out with Jen somewhere doing God knows what. The possibilities swirl inside my head, and none of them are good. Lucas’ words float into my mind…

He’s trying to prove something to either you or himself….

Just how far would he go to prove his point, though?

Once I’m inside his room, I throw my purse down, launch myself onto the bed, and scream into his pillow. It smells just like him and that only enrages me more. Reeling up, I slam my fist into the pillow over and over and over until I’m heaving and exhausted.

My phone buzzes from inside my purse. I can hear it clear across the room. With the breath sawing from my lungs, I climb off the bed, and walk over to my purse. I dig inside until I find it, and with my breath held, I glance at the screen. Is it Roman?

I exhale when I see it’s Wyn.

Hey girl. I’ll be there in ten to liberate you. Meet me in front of Rush House.

I type out a quick response.

I can’t. Roman’s minions will see me leave.

The reply bubbles pop up a second before her response comes through.

Crawl out the window or something! Be ready in ten.

I blow out a breath, and glance around the room. There are three very large windows and a set of French doors that lead out to a veranda, but I have no interest in shimming my way down to the first floor. I’m not athletic at all and that just sounds like a recipe for disaster.

But Wyn is right. I need to get out of here. I can’t just wait around for Roman to waltz back in. What if he brings Jen back with him, and kicks me out, so they can do…whatever?

A cold shiver of disgust trickles down my spine, and I shudder. If Roman thinks he can send me home to wait while he fucks around, then he’s got another thing coming. I’m not his plaything. I’m a grown-ass woman, and I’mwalkingout the front door, come hell or high water.

