He lifts a brow. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
His tongue darts out to lick his luscious bottom lip.Damn.I’m dying to kiss him right now, but I know, if I do, I’ll be completely lost to him. Those lips can separate me from all logic, and they have, many times.
His hand now moves to the button of my jeans. He starts undoing them, pulling them down my thighs. “I crave you like a drug,” he says darkly. “And I haven’t had a hit of you in two fucking days.”
I swallow at the reminder of our fuckfest right after the tribunal.
It’s strange, but a statement like that, from him, especially, puts me at ease. It’s a brief moment of transparency. And Roman isn’t transparent very often, so I’ve learned to appreciate it when he is.
But just as I start to relax a little, I see it. That flash of darkness in his eyes. A darkness that always seems to be simmering just below the surface.
He yanks my pants off roughly, along with my panties. Now, I’m completely naked, lying on Roman’s bed, something I sworeto myself I would never do. That’s how dangerous he is to me. He can make me do things I never thought I’d allow myself to do.
Placing his palm on my knee, he spreads me wide. Cool air washes over my entrance and my entire body trembles. He doesn’t hesitate, though. His mouth is on me in seconds, licking, sucking, nibbling. I’m writhing beneath him, my fingers threaded through his wavy hair, bucking as he fucks me with his tongue. It’s too much. It’s not enough.
I cry out, “Mmm,yes!”
My clit is throbbing, pulsing in time with my erratic heartbeat, and I thrash violently. He doesn’t let up, and in fact, my response only causes him to go harder, and deeper. Clamping both large hands around my hips, he pins me to the bed, holding me there, subjecting me to his cruel torture.
His fingertips dig into my skin, and I try to twist a little to loosen his grip, but that just encourages him to tighten his hold more.
“Ah,” I breathe. “That hurts.”
The second the words fly from my mouth, I wish I could recall them because he pulls away abruptly. It’s like I poured a bucket of ice water over his head. He retreats off the bed quickly, and straightens, staring down at me with a strange look on his face.
The fuck?
I suck in a gulp of air as a gust of cold air replaces his warmth. My entire body is trembling, that intense electricity coursing through my veins. I rise up onto my elbows, and look at him with a question on my face, though I don’t actually ask him what’s the matter. I’m too chicken to voice that question, because I can only guess it has something to do with me, and I’m not quite sure I want to hear it.
He rakes a hand through his dark hair and shakes his head. “I can’t fucking do this.”
Uh, excuse me,what?He’s donethiswith me twice already. What’s different about this time?
Before I can even muster up the courage to voice that very astute observation, he turns and dips into the bathroom. Three seconds later, I hear the shower running.
Is this guy taking ashower?Rightnow?
I lie there for about thirty seconds before I get up off the bed and follow him into the bathroom. He’s in the process of stripping down, and as he pulls his pants off, his thick, swollen cock springs free.
Goddamn, he’s huge. I’ve fucked him twice, and I’ve felt every inch of that cock as it entered me, but I’ve neverseenit. Not like this. Even when whats-her-name was sucking him off, I didn’t get a full-on look, like this.
“What are you doing?” I ask, annoyed.
Without answering me, he steps into the shower, tilting his head back to wet his hair. He runs his hands through the dark strands, his back arched. Just below his shoulder blade, in his back, is a raised circular scar—what looks like a brand. I can’t quite see the design, but it must be the Burning Crown seal.
My gaze continues to travel down his chiseled body.Goddamn.I’ve never seen him work out, but he’s got to have a gym hidden around here somewhere. Those abs are tight, and when he opened the glass door to step into the shower, his muscles flexed deliciously as a billow of steam enveloped him.
My pussy twitches, and I still feel charged, my body buzzing with unspent energy.
Fucking asshole.
He got me sopainfullyclose to climax, then just ...leaves to take a shower? And now I’m standing there like an idiot, just staring at him. And to add insult to injury, he takes his cock in hand and slowly starts stroking.
Is he teasing me? Is that what this is?
But he’s not evenlookingat me.
I just watch, frozen to the spot, as he strokes his own cock—moving from base to tip, then back down again in one fluid motion. That wrist action issmooth.It’s impressive, actually.