Page 78 of Rescuing Ryder

“Yes. We worked together to put him away. I’m sorry I ever allowed her near his case.” Dr. Klein pushed his stylish glasses up his nose.

“Did you need something, Ryder?” Claire asked sweetly.

“I came to talk to you about the festival tomorrow. My friends fly in around 1100 and I thought you might enjoy joining us for the day. I can pick you up,” he added.

“I’m already attending the festival. Hopefully, we’ll see each other there,” Claire informed him while she sipped her coffee.

“I hope you don’t plan to drive. It’s against the rules,” Ryder reminded her.

“I’m aware of my limitations,” she gritted out. “Gregory, can I get you anything else?”

“I can use a refresh on my coffee. Then, I’m afraid we’ll need to cut the visit short. I want to ensure my arrival occurs when my mother appears her most lucid.” Dr. Klein smiled at Claire.

She rose and refilled his coffee and Ryder watched the scene playing out before him like a stolen version of a movie from the sixties. Couldn’t the dude pour his own cup when the pot sat on the table before him? Irritation flowed through him.

Claire sat beside him, not bothering to ask if he wanted anything else. Of course, he refused to allow her to pour him another cup, but she could’ve at least asked.

She set her plate on the table. “Next time you come to Serenity, I’ll take you up the mountain. You’ll enjoy touring the facility and seeing how it runs.”

Ryder’s cup slammed heavily against the wood. “Do you still reside in Seattle? I’m new to the area. Do you have any restaurants you might recommend? I’m a foodie and love trying new things.”

“I’m a fan of seafood. I enjoy Pier 66 for fresh fish. There’s a wonderful place near my home on Freemont Street.”

“Do you like seafood?” Claire asked.

“I joined the Navy, didn’t I?” He threw her way.

Dr. Klein chuckled. “I’m afraid I’ll take my leave. I’m planning another surprise trip in two weeks to see how the staff reacts when they don’t expect me to arrive. I can bring lunch again and tour your mountain.”

“You know where to find me,” Claire quipped. “Let me know when you’ll arrive and it’s a date.”

Dr. Kein stood and nodded toward Ryder. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Claire walked the man to the door while Ryder sat back, mimicking the good doctor. It seemed petty, but he didn’t care.

Claire entered the room, and he witnessed the fury in her eyes as she crossed her arms.

“Why did you come here? Did your phone stop working? There’s no need for you to come to my home. I’m aware of how much you abhor it. You loathe it enough to slink out at night without a word. I woke up to find Shadow in your place,” Claire seethed.

Ryder held his hand up to stall her rant and to explain himself. “I know I owe you an explanation. Can we put it on hold for a minute? How do you plan to come to the mountain tomorrow?”

“If it’s any of your business, I’m coming with Bryanna and Saint,” she spit out.

“Claire Bear, listen, I know I left, and it was a shitty thing to do. I’m not sure if I can explain why I did it. I needed some time to think about some things. I want Melody, Tex’s wife, to meet you. She always supported me and never complained when Tex dropped everything to see me.”

“I’m sure we’ll run into each other at some point.” Claire didn’t budge.

He swallowed. “Geez, I’m an ass. I’m sorry.”

“Ryder, I’ll see you tomorrow. I appreciate the apology.” She sighed.

He walked before her and tilted her chin to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry. I needed time to sort a few things out. Plus, I spent some time with Scott.”

“It’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Claire responded softly.

“Do you plan to attend the Halloween party? The kids seem stoked. I swear they’ve hidden shit all over the hospital to make the staff scream. Kassie put her foot down when she opened her fridge to find a severed head dripping with ketchup. She’s got aset of lungs on her. I heard her on the next floor. It woke the babies up and then Catherine turned livid. Those two act super scary when pissed. Some older redhead showed up and laughed hysterically before gathering the teens together and plotting something. I don’t know her, but Shadow seemed scared of her.”

“Victoria and Ivan must’ve arrived in town. They’re close with Kassie, Chase and the team. Some of her men help secure the mountain. Wait till you meet her husband.” She laughed.