“You’re an asshole!” she shouted as she twisted from his hold and tried to kick out.
“You’re not the first one to call me that. Let it out. I gotta admit, I saw this coming, but you held it in longer than I expected. Bring it,” Ryder challenged.
“I want you to leave. Before you came, I got along just fine,” Claire gritted out. “You’re the most insufferable person I've ever met.”
Ryder shook his head. “You can’t be serious. Did the concussion to your head make you forget some of the people who live on the mountain? For example, the team leader, Leo, is a classic case of mental. Do you know he brings his baby to work with him and covers her ears when he swears? When we do PT, he brings her to allow his wife time to sleep in. He gives her aminiature rattle shaped like barbells and teaches her to raise her arm like lifting weights.” Ryder shook his head. “Where did his man card go?”
“He’s acting considerate toward his wife and acting like a partner,” Claire spat as he grabbed both her ankles, preventing her from kicking.
“Then why does his wife, Catherine, sound like a raging alcoholic and the women seem fine with it? She’s also got a set of lungs on her when she’s pissed. Yeah, he’s a great partner. Leo manages to set Red off daily.”
Claire jerked her legs, trying to escape his hold. When she tired of struggling, she stopped. “The wine thing is a private joke between the women. Leo’s over the top but a great father,” she defended the team while she gazed at him furiously.
“What’s got your panties in a wad, Claire Bear?” he asked her patiently.
She lay her head down and growled out her frustration to the ceiling.
“You gave Carol a list of orders of things I’m not allowed to do. Then you refuse to allow me to work, I can’t read, and if I stare at this ceiling one more day, I’ll pull my hair out and start screaming. I’m tired of you bossing me around.”
Ryder grinned wickedly. “I imagine it burns your ass at being told what to do, even if it’s for your own good. Now, shall we address you throwing shit at me? I believe I advised you if you threw one more thing, prepare to accept the consequences.”
Ryder’s voice sounded deadly,sending a shiver down her spine. Her eyes widened when she realized he planned to follow through with his threat. The pounding of her heart grew louderas he stalked onto the bed. His hand shot out and Ryder began tickling her.
Squirming away from him, Claire attempted to avoid his hands. Laughter filled the room as she grabbed a pillow and bashed him upside the head.
Ryder’s deep chuckle thrilled her when she realized she never heard him laugh so freely. Even though his grip seemed unbreakable, he didn’t hold her tightly and avoided the areas of her injury.
“Say ‘Uncle’ Claire,” he demanded as she squealed and pummeled him with her feathered weapon.
“Never,” she bit out while giggling.
His warm breath tickled her ear as Ryder whispered, “I can do this all day.” It sent warm fuzzy feelings inside her chest. “What’s the matter, Claire Bear?”
She set her pillow down, meeting his hazel eyes. “I’m bored. I wished for a day off to do something fun and now I have them and I literally can’t do anything.”
“What do you want to do?” He snuggled against her neck.
She sighed. “I’m climbing the walls.”
Ryder rose from the bed and pulled her to a sitting position. “It’s my first time near Seattle. How about we go for a drive? We can visit the aquarium.”
“Everyone will stare at me.” Claire’s hand reached toward her eye when he captured it.
“Who cares? If one of those teens you counseled walked in spouting this shit, do you tell them to stay in their room?”
“No,” she answered begrudgingly.
“Let’s bring it, Claire Bear. You survived, and it’s all that matters,” he encouraged her. Ryder tugged her from the bed and toward her closet. “Let’s roll in ten.”
Claire picked out a comfortable pair of jeans and a tee before entering the bathroom. She noticed her image in the mirror andthe smile on her face. Trying to determine when she ever felt this comfortable with a man. Nothing came to mind and the smile disappeared from her expression. Telling herself Ryder only offered to spare her from boredom, she continued to dress and met him at her bedroom door. He acted as a shield to prevent her from peering into the room which haunted her dreams. If he only knew, he invaded them as well.
A week later,Claire sat in her screened-in porch, staring at the majestic view of the mountains. She sipped her coffee as Kassie brought out a plate of chocolate croissants and a cup of tea for herself.
“How do you feel today? Chase mentioned he scheduled your appointment with the specialist for tomorrow. Do you want me to drive you?” she asked.
“No. Ryder told me he rearranged his schedule to take me. My vision improves daily. I’m hoping the specialist will release me to drive and return to work,” she informed Kassie. “I’m capable of handling things here at home by myself. Ryder needs to return to the hospital.”
“Did something happen?” Kassie asked as she sipped her tea.