Setting it down, Ryder rummaged through it, pulling out a set of tweezers, antiseptic, ointment and a bandage. Frowning, he replaced the covering and pulled out a larger size before settling on gauze and tape.
“See what I mean?” she asked, noticing his indecision on the size.
Ryder shook his head and chuckled. Removing the towel, he picked out the sliver of glass as she hissed and held her breath. When he finished, he rinsed the wound, applied antiseptic, and wrapped it.
“You need to walk around in bubble wrap,” Ryder grumbled as he put the lid on the box. “Leave this someplace handy. I’m tired of searching for it.”
“You never told me why you came here tonight. Did you need something?” Claire asked him softly, acutely aware Ryder stoodin her kitchen without a shirt. His tattoo wrapped around his arm, along his chest and down his left side.
“I came down to grab some dinner at Ty’s. I wondered if you might join me,” Ryder requested as he moved before her. Her gaze settled on his chest, slowly following the design up his shoulders and landing on his face.
“I ate earlier,” she murmured as he moved closer. Did the air conditioner break or did it suddenly seem too hot in the kitchen? Claire stared at his mouth as Ryder leaned forward and she held her breath in anticipation.
Wait! What? No!
She jumped from the stool, bouncing off his chest. Ryder’s hands shot out to steady her as she stepped backward and shook her head. Claire swallowed hard before speaking. “You need to leave, Ryder. I can’t have you here in the evenings. I’ll call and place an order for you at Ty’s and have a server bring it out to you. I’ll return your shirt in the morning.”
She walked briskly to the door and opened it, not giving him time to respond. “I’ll meet with you at 0700.”
Ryder didn’t say a word as he slammed the door to his car. Claire hastily shut hers and locked it before grabbing her phone and ordering him a steak, twice-baked potato, a salad and banana pudding for dessert.
Feeling guilty about the way she treated him, she bit her nails. She didn’t imagine him leaning in to kiss her. Shaking her head, Claire reminded herself he most likely suffered from a case of simple transference. Ryder became comfortable with their daily banter in the less formal setting. She decided it might be best to keep his appointments in the hospital setting.
Making her way back to the back porch, Claire locked the screen and the French doors. Switching his shirt to the dryer, she changed into pajamas, brushed her teeth, and walked through the house, checking all the windows and doors. The dryer buzzedand she removed his shirt. Taking it to her bedroom, she closed her door, locking it. Smoothing her hand over the fabric, Claire recalled how comfortable he made her feel the night he fixed the fireplace. Knowing better but unable to help herself, she brought his shirt to bed and laid it beside her. Her bandaged hand clenched around it as she convinced herself she needed sleep.
Listening to the noises of the house, she pulled the clothing closer, and she imagined herself wrapped up in the security of his arms, telling herself she only felt this way because he came to her rescue before. Drifting off to sleep, she wondered how becoming part of the Serenity family felt. The women found men who protected them at all costs. She knew how far Chase went to keep Kassie safe. Whiskey worked diligently to win Samantha back. Leo supported Catherine as she struggled to tell him what Ash put her through. Saint watched Bryanna protectively and drove her down the mountain every morning at 0400 in preparation for their move into their new home in town. When one of them struggled, they banded together until the crisis subsided. How did it feel to belong to someone who knew you intimately and loved you beyond measure? She sighed wearily, wishing one day she might feel the same way about someone, too.
Ryder paced the cabin floor as he counted down the last hour before his appointment with Claire. His body hummed in anticipation of seeing her, only to reassure himself. Why he cared, he didn’t know. For the last four weeks, she kept their appointments in her office and brought in small projects to keep him busy as they chatted.
Yet something shifted between the night he bandaged her hand and the woman he saw regularly over the last four weeks. She spent a lot of time on the mountain for someone who recently purchased a new home. He caught her volunteering for trail walks with the teens, planning the movie night for the facility, claiming she wanted to give Kassie some time with the baby.
Some evenings, he went to a group session to catch a glimpse of the young soldier he saw leaning against the cabin. Kassie sent the young man, who reminded him of Hightop, to work with the service dogs and partnered him up with one of them. The soldier seemed to perk up each week a little more and Ryder found himself rooting for the kid. Some of the teens who arrived around the same time he did showed small changes, such as a smile, a laugh, or active group participation.
Ryder didn’t see or feel any changes within himself. He felt drawn to the Serenity Security team and Whiskey. Perhaps they reminded him of the brotherhood he missed with his old team. They even volunteered their time and came for family nights, bringing their wives and kids in tow to cheer up patients with no visitors or family.
When the clock approached his appointment time, he grabbed his wallet and walked toward the hospital. Ryder nodded at some of the residents he met in therapy or a couple of the teens as he passed them. He practically skipped up the steps to the entrance.
Ryder knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. He heard her shuffling around before Claire finally answered. Dark bags hung below her eyes. Her usually tidy bun appeared messy, and her clothes seemed less put together.
Claire ushered him into her office and he viewed the spacious room with a critical eye. It seemed to grow more cluttered by the day. The outfit she wore yesterday hung on a hanger inside the usually closed bathroom door. She smoothed back her hair and smiled as she sat beside him.
“Today, I want to play a game. May I blindfold you?” Claire asked as she pulled out a sleeping mask contraption.
“Sure, why not?” he replied. She rose and walked behind him, placing the material over his eyes.
“Today, I want to talk about trust. Can you trust me enough to lead you through the hospital?” Claire asked pleasantly.
Frowning, he sat still, wondering if he wanted to participate in her little charade.
“Listen to my voice, Ryder. It’s an exercise. You don’t have to do it. It’s your choice,” she assured him quietly.
“I don’t see a point in playing some stupid game,” he answered her gruffly.
Claire touched him and he felt an electrifying sensation run up his arm and into his chest.
“Sometimes, when we deny ourselves one of our senses, we tune into another one more. If you don’t feel comfortable, we can stop at any time. I don’t want you to force this, nor will I take away your choices.”