Claire reluctantly rose and Taco led her to the kitchen.
Catherine leaned over to Kassie.“How do you really feel?”
“Chase, can you bring me one of those popsicles?” she asked.
Chase kissed the top of her wet head before heading toward the door to meet Michael.
“It hurts like hell,” Kassie cried. “My throat feels on fire, and my eyes feel like someone laser-beamed them. Don’t tell Chase or Claire. He’s already hovering and she’s absolutely miserable.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” Lizzy soothed.
Samantha moved to the couch. “The oil will help draw out the burn. Do you want to go home and we’ll hold the party?”
Kassie shook her head. “No. I want Claire to feel like she fits in here. I don’t think she’s entirely comfortable with me and I’m not sure if it’s because she acted as my physician or she doesn’t like me.”
Catherine shook her head. “Don’t be silly. You’ve never done anything to her.”
“I’m technically her boss, and I fired her once for thinking she and Chase dated,” Kassie confessed. “I offered to find a new doctor, thinking she might join our circle and become better friends.”
“Oh, honey. I’m sure she doesn’t even remember it. Plus, you gave her a full spa day as an apology because you felt bad. I thought it was over and done with.”
“I’m not entirely sure. She brought up the fact Chase and I remained her bosses and she didn’t want to blur the lines. Do you feel the same way, Lizzy? You work as the administrator,” Kassie asked through blurry eyes.
“Absolutely not. I know tonight went a bit rocky, but one day we’ll think back at this and laugh,” Lizzy consoled her.
“I’m your best friend, and we work together every day. It’s the best job I’ve ever had. I love the fact we have such a tight-knit group,” Catherine reassured her friend.
Kassie nodded. “I like Claire and want her to feel welcome. She’s one of us now, but I don’t think she realizes it.”
Catherine put her arms around Kassie. “If this doesn’t show her how much we care, then she’s not deserving of our friendship. Hopefully, she’ll catch on soon enough.”
Lizzy smiled. “I’m sure she will.”
The women went to join Claire and the men in the kitchen for a housewarming party to remember.
Claire closed the door after the party from hell. Chase and Kassie left first, claiming they needed to return to the kids. She suspected it had more to do with Kassie’s ointment-plastered face and bloodshot eyes. Then, the others cleaned her kitchen and put away the leftovers. They left a pile of sweet and thoughtful gifts.
Maddie and Joe, who watched Chase and Kassie’s children, sent a homemade quilt from the older women. Chase and Kassie gave her a gift certificate to Samantha’s spa for candles and bath products and a gift certificate to Ty’s, the nicest restaurant in town. Catherine and Leo gave her a personalized door knocker and a gift card to the local nursery to purchase plants. Shadow and Taco purchased her a new lawnmower. Saint and Bryanna brought over a beautiful basket for blankets and filled it with premade loaf bread, pizza dough, pretzels, rolls, and biscuits. Edie chipped in with them and gave her a gift certificate for the local hardware store. Samantha and Whiskey gave her a clothes basket with natural cleaning products and a beautiful rug she planned to add to her entryway. Catherine’s mother and stepfather, Carol and Jake, sent over a card with instructions to pick out her fabric pattern and Carol planned to use hersewing skills to make the padding for her window seat. Victoria and Ivan, Kassie’s friends and protectors, sent their love from Ireland and promised to bring her a gift upon their return.
The crew certainly knew how to make a girl feel welcome. She went about the house, now smelling like Samantha’s salon, and turned off the lights. One of the men picked up her mail and set it on the half-wall beside her purse. She must’ve dropped it when she sprayed Kassie. Flipping lights off as she went, she walked back to her room. She placed the mail on her bedside table while she removed her makeup and changed into a pajama short set. She slid into bed, dwelling on poor Kassie’s face.
She reached for the mail and set aside the bills before coming to a pretty envelope with flowers decorating the corners. Thinking it was another housewarming card, she opened it and read it.
I’m counting the days until I see you again. The mountain won’t keep you safe, Claire.
She dropped the note and scooted out of the bed in a flash. Grabbing her sweatshirt, she slipped into a pair of tennis shoes, and nabbed her purse and keys. She turned on the porch light and checked her surroundings, wishing for her can of pepper spray. She unlocked her car with the key fob and jumped in. Locking the vehicle doors, Claire turned to the backseat, thinking she watched too many horror movies not to. Peeling out of the driveway, she headed toward the security of the mountain.
When she arrived in the hospital parking lot, Claire laid her head against the steering wheel. She’d call the detective in the morning. Now, if she only figured out a way to sneak into her office without being seen by the veterans who roamed the halls or a sleepless teen seeing her. Opening her car door, Claire sprinted to the entrance, swiping her key card. Walking briskly down the hall, she ducked into her office and locked the door. Her chest moved up and down heavily as she allowed the panicto set in. Claire sat on the sofa with her head between her knees as she tried to regain control.
She shakily went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. Removing her sweatshirt, she hung it on the back of the door. Setting her alarm for 0500, Claire decided to rise early and drive back to her house, switch out her clothes, and pack another bag. Grabbing the blanket she used for the last two weeks, she curled up on the couch, feeling safe and secure in knowing no one entered the hospital without the team knowing.
Ryder knocked on Dr. Winters’door. When no one answered, he searched for the new doctor Dr. Winters mentioned. He found his office down the hall from Claire’s. He tapped it lightly, feeling mixed emotions about his actions.
“Come in, Ryder. What can I do for you?” Dr. Hill greeted him as he opened the door.
“I’m searching for Dr. Winters. Have you seen him?” he asked.